History & Other Social Studies Books

19 Varieties of Gazelle by Naomi Shihab Nye.
Greenwillow Books/HarperCollins: NY, 2002.
National Book Award Finalist

This is a poetry collection of Nye's (an Arab-American) memories of family and connections to the Middle East. Most of the poems are of people - relatives, friends, hosts. Mostly deeply held remembrances. Some deal with the struggle of wrapping the brain around the unworkable situation we are expected to accept. Obviously the poet has a strong desire for peace and has even worked towards peace through her travels, reaching out to others through visits and her words.

I don't totally understand all of the poems, but it touched me enough that I want to understand it better. We come from much different backgrounds, but I sense that we share the same feelings. I cannot know the pain she has; it is much more personal for her.

I enjoyed many of the people poems - Different Ways to Pray, My Father and the Fig Tree, Going to the Spring, The Words Under the Words, For Mohammed on the Mountain, Arabic Coffee, and Footfall.

I would like all relevant politicians to read this book. It is fairly simple and quick and has a few poems that speak directly to the heart of the matter: Those Whom We Do Not Know, Jerusalem, Trenches and Moats and Mounds of Dirt, Mr. Dajani, Calling From Jericho, and All Things Not Considered.

related-Middle East, poetry, conflict and resolution, human behavior, daily life, people, memories, remembrances
Maybe what I need is a list of books focused on awareness, striving for peace. I have a book here or there, but nothing resembling a list.

Ain't Gonna Study War No More by Milton Meltzer.
HarperCollins Publishers: NY, 1985.

I was amazed when I first found this book. During the Vietnam War, I was too young to understand the resistance to the war. Through all of the formative years of my life the subject was taboo. The implication was that the resisters were not behaving properly. The implication was that this was the first time in U.S. history that there was major opposition to war. Meltzer documents resistance to all of the major wars in which the U.S. has participated (until 1985). He puts into words things that I feel deeply in my heart. One of the most important freedoms of all is to decide individually whether you are willing to participate in a specific war or wars-and to what extent. If a government can coerce you into war, do you truly have freedom? Is it a positive thing to be willing to go to war and kill other people without thinking objectively about why both sides are fighting?

I believe this is a very important book. These questions need to be thought about and discussed openly and respectfully. Both sides of the issue may never agree, but it is my hope that people will not be called cowards because they believe killing is wrong. It is my hope that people will not teach children that patriotism is more important than thinking and morals. It is my hope that people will look beyond propaganda to other factors of war that are not talked about openly and would be considered less acceptable (ex. economics, control of resources).

Alone Across the Arctic: One Woman's Epic Journey by Dog Team by Pam Flowers with Ann Dixon.
Alaska Northwest Books/Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company: Portland, OR, 2001.

Read this exciting account of Pam Flowers's trip across the Arctic. She completely changed her life to follow her dream. As an adult, she decided to learn to raise sled dogs and learn the survival skills necessary for travelling alone with a team in the wilderness. She eventually became the first woman to journey alone across the Arctic with a team of sled dogs. She has written in detail about the preparation, routine, coping, and teamwork required for them to succeed against so many odds.

Her story is awe-inspiring and beautiful and so full of wisdom and love for her dogs. She is an inspiration for all who have a dream that may seem impossible. Or one that will not gain support from those around you. Her message is not just that you can do extraordinary things if you have the motivation and discipline, but also that you should be yourself even when that self is totally different from what is considered normal.

I had the great fortune to hear Pam Flowers speak at the Bangor Public Library, ME. She has a great gift of storytelling, and her stories are true. She has so much strength and emotion in her presentation.
related-Alaska, Arctic regions, dogsledding, journeys, survival

Amazing Sun Fun Activities by Michael Daley.
Learning Triangle Press/McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc: NY, 1998.

Discussion of how solar energy is used and easy activities that can be done with household materials to further understanding and inspire continued inventiveness.

Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride by Pam Muñoz Ryan. il Brian Selznick.
Scholastic Press: NY, 1999.

Two of the most exciting women in history are together on a jaunt! Fact and fiction are mixed in this warm and lively meeting of two independent, like-minded women. Ryan has notes at the back to sort out which is which.

At a dinner party at the White House, Eleanor Roosevelt and Amelia Earhart decide to fly around D.C. after Eleanor asks Amelia what it is like to fly at night. To top off the evening, they go for a fast ride in Eleanor's automobile in continuation of their sharing their love of freedom.

The text perfectly captures the spirit of these two women and the excitement of their shared adventure. The illustrator being Selznick, the pictures are gorgeous and alive. The cover art ranks among my favorite.

related-Amelia Earhart, Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, flight, cars, independence, adventure, historical fiction
RL=1st-3rd, read aloud to toddler-1st

American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House by Jon Meacham.
Random House: NY, 2008.

I am on a quest to learn more about Presidents of the United States, especially those that are less discussed. While Andrew Jackson is discussed in biographies, it seems that he is being glossed over in schools. I was only taught a few things about him: he was considered a heroic general, he opposed the National Bank which Alexander Hamilton founded, and he was an instigator of the Trail of Tears situation. So, I felt it was important to learn more about this President who was hugely popular before he was President. This book was recommended to me.

As I read, I began wondering why Jackson's Presidency was not discussed in schools. Clearly, he was very popular. He managed to hold the union together despite the dissension in Washington. Yes, John C. Calhoun (as Jackson's Vice President) was already pushing for secession at that time. He also did succeed in stopping the National Bank, though another was started later. He was opposed by other strong factions as well: John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, and their followers. I have some suspicions regarding skipping over him; it is probably political in nature. From a historical perspective it makes no sense, because Abraham Lincoln and the Roosevelts clearly followed in his footsteps, in using popular sentiment to gain strength and leverage and in using their strength to advocate for an expanded number of the people. Jackson wasn't the first. Thomas Jefferson also did, and so did Aaron Burr advocate for people of less property. (Note: Aaron Burr is also someone to learn more about. He was on a path to become President before allegations were brought against him, and the case against him was at best shadowy. He was not convicted.) There is no answer to my question here; that would take much more reading and study. I suspect it has to do with the fear of democracy in our government and the desire of other factions to retain power over the people. It may also be that Jackson's Presidency came at a time when the country was still young and developing. It makes politics and government easier to portray the country as this idea that was inevitable and heroic. Jackson planned to take power away from those that had been there for a long time, and as a result ended up fighting them constantly. It was messy, and would require people to reconsider some of what they have been told to believe. It seems to me this is what we need to be reading. Not only is it very interesting, but it also shows people that history is alive. People then were not legendary. They made mistakes too and at times behaved immaturely, just like today's politicians. It is important to compare to now and sift out what looks like it worked and what didn't. It also helps us measure how we got to this point. To me, that is what history is about. This book does a good job of discussing the background and characters of the time. It encourages me to read more, as a good book should.

related-19th century, history of the United States, Presidents, Andrew Jackson, westward expansion, Spanish territories, slavery as a political issue, John C. Calhoun, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, changing of political parties, Francis Preston Blair, Edward Livingston, John Henry Eaton, Martin Van Buren, Andrew and Emily Donelson
RL=adult, accessible to YA

Americans Who Tell the Truth by Robert Shetterly.
Dutton Children's Books/Penguin Group USA: NY, 2005.

Shetterly's portraits of famous Americans are awesome. Even more powerful are the quotes chosen to go along with them. I know that it will inspire readers to learn more about these incredible people. What a great idea it was to combine the two!

My husband and I had the good fortune to view the portraits as well at the Bangor Public Library, Maine.
RL=6th-YA (Due to the content. 5th may understand also.)

The Ancient Technology Series by Michael Woods and Mary B. Woods.
Runestone Press/Lerner Publishing Group: Minneapolis, MN, 2000.

Ancient Agriculture
Ancient Communication
Ancient Computing
Ancient Construction
Ancient Machines
Ancient Medicine
Ancient Transportation
Ancient Warfare

This is an awesome World History series. I found the books at my local library and introduced them to my sons to show them different types of technology. I wanted to impress on them the brilliance and importance of discoveries made thousands of years ago. Many things are still used today because they are still among the best ways to accomplish tasks. I also wanted them to learn that there are things that ancient people knew that were lost for centuries and needed to be rediscovered.

Around the World in a Hundred Years: From Henry the Navigator to Magellan by Jean Fritz.
G. P. Putnam's Sons: NY, 1994.

The Ancient Greek philosophers wondered about what lay beyond places marked on their maps. Some of them tried to mathematically find answers about the unknown. When the Romans conquered, they destroyed the phenomenal library in Alexandria where much of the scolarship was happening. Neither the Romans nor the Christians (who came to power later) encouraged questioning the unknown. As a result, maps prior to 1400 A.D. were not too accurate. However, during the 1400's people did start to be curious again about what lay beyond their regions (possibly because regional rulers were gaining in power and they were less controlled by the Church). They also believed there were fortunes to be made in trading foreign goods and wanted to be the first to acquire these trade goods. Jean Fritz has done an excellent job of exploring the trips of the adventurers who started to map the world.

The Atlas of Oceans by Linda Sonntag.
Aladdin Books Ltd: London, 2001.

This is a very nice introduction to the oceans of the world. It is both a geographical resource and science reference with maps and beautiful pictures relating to the ways local creatures and people rely on the oceans. It also discusses how the ocean works and early exploration.

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts On Reclaiming the American Dream by Barack Obama.
Crown Publishers/Random House, Inc: NY, 2006.

Senator Obama speaks to our people in an uncommonly forthright and personal way about issues that have long remained unaddressed. In his book, he discusses why politics since the Vietnam War has been a never-ending haranguing of opposite campaigns. He suggests a way to start to move beyond the partisan politics that has existed for so long in order to alleviate the difficulties that are looming-the growing economic insecurity of our families, racial and religious tensions, and global threats (political, economical and environmental).

One of the things that strikes me about the book is Obama's talking of proud American traditions. One of those traditions is democratic discourse. He says that between World War II and the Vietnam War politicians may have disagreed, but they still worked together to solve the problem at hand. It has not been that way since (my whole lifetime). And he says "What is needed is a broad majority of Americans-Democrats, Republicans, and Independents of goodwill-who are reengaged in the project of national renewal, and who see their own self-interest as inextricably linked to the interests of others."

related-politics and politicians, legislators of the United States, African Americans, Congress, Senate, national characteristics, ideals, governmental philosophy, values, opportunity, faith, race, family-his and in general

Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang.
Bloomsbury Press: NY, 2008.

I found this book to be an excellent critique of free trade dogma. The author uses history (the development of countries now rich and crises of those practicing neo-liberal economics) to refute the all too common harangue that free trade is the only way to succeed in the global market. With my limited knowledge of economics (basic economics and government classes), I have never believed the free trade mantra and have not read or heard anything giving a convincing argument-only that it is the best and necessary for success. In fact, it seems that, as in politics, supporters believe uttering the phrase is all that is required to win an argument. The author states that some degree of globalization is necessary but that protections need to be in place for developing countries to be able to compete (as has been true of all of the rich countries as they were developing). The author only discusses how the reigning policies affect developing countries (as he is from Korea and most concerned with their issues) not how the policies affect even the rich countries themselves (i.e. the loss of manufacturing and production in the U.S. and lower standard of living for the middle and lower classes). I think many of his comments also apply to our (the U.S.) situation in the past 3 decades, though we may not have been as greatly impacted as developing countries-yet (or maybe it's just happening more slowly). All of the success stories given have a mixture of open trade and protectionism, instead of following the orthodoxy that regimes of recent decades have tried to force on us, and the IMF, World Bank, and World Trade Organization have tried to force on developing countries. My belief is that, if it isn't working for either us or developing countries, we need a new direction.

Bad Samaritans is accessible to those with at least an average high school education level (whether from school or life) and a desire to know about the subject. It is clear and sensible, and those wanting a stronger American economy could learn from it. It would also be a good selection for government or economics classes.

I believe the title is unfortunate for distribution in the U.S., as is the repetition of referring to rich countries as "Bad Samaritans." It is interesting to me that the author dismisses culture as too broad to define economics and then lumps us all into the category of "rich countries." Our country as a whole has little control over what is happening economically (and is suffering from current policies). It is a few forceful people who control the situation-not countries. Everyone else is following blindly, because they don't understand. However, with a little education and understanding a movement can be created which can have some effect on those controlling. For now, my advice is to ignore the stigmatization and read the overall message.

My local library had a running list this summer of book suggestions for the Presidential candidates to read. I missed my chance to add it, but I recommend this book!

related-free trade vs protectionism, capitalism vs subsidies and state ownership, IMF, World Bank, WTO
RL=YA-adult (adult book)

The Boys' War by Jim Murphy.
Clarion Books/Houghton Mifflin: NY, 1990.

Jim Murphy describes the American Civil War through the eyes of youth soldiers using excerpts of first hand accounts. The excitement and adventure that the boys expected upon enlisting is depicted as well as the dreariness and deprivation of the camps and horrors of the war. Not only does the book accurately depict the Civil War, including pictures from it, but also war in general. The realities of war as described ought to be emphasized more in school studies, including the involvement of children and civilians, since they are standard in all wars, not anomalies. The Civil War is the best example Americans have of what war is really like, and if it were truly taught, it would serve as an indication of why our country ought to be trying more seriously to avoid war. War does, in fact, devastate the region it is being waged in, always.

The Civil War was the last war in which large numbers of young American boys were involved, because rule changes were made soon after. Historians of the time, however, largely ignored the part underage boys played. This concept has been portrayed in many children's novels, such as The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane and Charley Skedaddle by Patricia Beatty. related-United States history, personal narratives from the American Civil War, children as soldiers, recruiting, enlistment, battles, prisons and mobile hospitals, lack of supplies, disease

Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?: The Great Depression 1929-1933 by Milton Meltzer.
Facts on File: NY, 1991.
Originally published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc: NY, 1969.

This is not a new book, but it is gaining in importance as our economy is being pushed closer towards a catastrophe. Within our country there has been argument about how the 1930s Depression was handled ever since it happened. There are some people now saying that the sooner we have a collapse the better-we will then be able to start rebuilding. They are ignoring the widespread devastation that would result, and there are many people again who would do little to help individuals through the devastation. This is an account of the 1930s Depression by a historian who lived through it.

The primary focus of the book is how the American people were affected by not just the October 1929 Stock Market crash, but also the massive laying off of workers and salary cuts resulting from working at all having more importance than the salary or conditions. He touches on FDR's New Deal but does not give many details of the programs or their effects.

I put off reading this book because I know enough about this period of widespread unemployment, poverty, and homelessness to know the book would be depressing. There is no cheerful book about the Great Depression.

This is a subject that was barely covered in my years of American history classes. We read maybe a chapter in 9th grade and some in 5th grade, too. It was never really discussed. Yet, it is such an important subject to learn about, particularly now, since for the last two and a half decades (1980s-2000s) parallels have been appearing. We have seen massive layoffs by corporations (with the corporations showing profits as a result of the layoffs), many years of cutting workers' benefits and increasing workload, the ceasing of manufacturing in our country, huge increases in prices (especially food, fuel, and real estate), home mortgages and other debt that people cannot hope to pay, a larger gap between the wealthy and everyone else, a frenzy of buying plus stock and real estate speculation similar to that of the 1920s, and a great lack of confidence in the economy as a whole by both businessmen and workers.

In the early 1990s, there was a trend emerging indicating the possibility of another Great Depression. Investors have, since the late 1980s, used one industry after another to try to prop up the economy (and when that industry is maximized they move on to another). The latest industries (real estate and oil) cannot be sustained, and their crash could bring the whole thing down because of their importance as necessities. In the 1990s, a shift in priorities might have stopped the crisis. That shift didn't happen. Since the election of G. W. Bush in 2000, it seems there has been instead a rush towards an inevitable crash. It is so important to study the 1920s and 1930s to learn how we can avoid or alleviate the worst conditions.

This time around we are facing some frightening differences. In the 1930s, there was a lack of jobs, but a workforce skilled in manufacturing, so they were prepared to work once given a job-not this time. Also in the 1930s, there were many more families involved in the growing of food. The ones who still had their homes could at least grow some food and possibly feed others. It has been generations since the bulk of our people grew their own food. Knowing these dangers you would think our government would want to avoid a crash, but now as then, they are refusing to interfere in business whatever the cost.

As with many Meltzer books, this is just a starting point. He does give references at the end for further reading, and hopefully, his readers will read more.

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky A translation of the words of Chief Seattle. il Susan Jeffers.
Dial Books/Penguin Books USA Inc: NY, 1991.

A most amazing book! There is an almost tangible power flowing through the message of Chief Seattle to the representatives of the U.S. government as they try to buy native lands. The truth is so absolute that we feel the essence of his words even though we are reading a translation without his imposing presence. "The earth does not belong to us. We belong to the earth." and "What befalls the earth befalls all the sons and daughters of the earth."

The paintings are an excellent partner in this wondrous statement of truth.
RL=read aloud and 3rd-4th

Gordon Lightfoot's Canadian Railroad Trilogy il by Ian Wallace.
Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press: Toronto, Canada, 2010.

The text is a song by Gordon Lightfoot about the building of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, with sheet music at the end of the book. The CPR has a similar story to the Union Pacific that was built across the United States. Slightly different time period, and perhaps, the Native Americans were treated a little better than they were in the United States. First Nations people (as they are called in Canada) did participate in building the CPR, and I don't believe that was true of the UP. I was not surprised to read that two of the major players in the project were from the United States.

Ian Wallace has attempted to portray all aspects of the construction project through his illustrations. It was a huge undertaking with enormous consequences. The scope of the drawings tells far more of the story than the simple, yet poetic, lyrics. Wallace used pastels to give the story a dream-like tone. The artwork is amazing, each one a masterpiece. The artist also includes a description of his intentions for each illustration. The artwork itself is what first caught my attention. I also seem to have heard of Ian Wallace before.

This is the first time that the song Canadian Railroad Trilogy has been illustrated.

related-1st Prime Minister of Canada, Sir John MacDonald, Canadian Pacific Railroad, railroad construction, First Nations, Chinese workers
RL=1st, for all ages

Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith by Deborah Heiligman.
Henry Holt and Company: NY, 2009.
Printz Honor Award

The focus of this biography is Charles Darwin's adulthood, primarily his married life, but also showing his own struggle with the subject he chose to study. After returning from his world trip on the Beagle, Charles set about cataloging his specimens and mailing some to experts who could verify his own suspicions of rarity. Even before he decided to marry, he realized the importance of his independence for his career and that he would be lucky to find a wife (in that time period) who would accept the controversial material he was compelled to study.

The newish field of biological study, which included the collecting and comparing of specimens, was in fact leading biologists towards the understanding that species do change over time. He was not the only one to come to this understanding on his own, though he also used his observations of people and pets to form his views. Unfortunately, this was counter to the Christian world view of the time. Darwin knew the difficult decision he had to make for himself regarding the contradiction. So it would be that much harder for others to accept, because either they were more religious than him or they were not looking at variations of creatures day after day. Then, after coming to the conclusion that his theory was right, to publicize the knowledge in such a hostile environment was something he feared to do. He delayed publishing his theories for about twenty years, partly because he wanted them to be irrefutable, but also somewhat out of fear of the public's reaction.

Darwin found a wife who respected his work, his cousin Emma, but she also did worry about the contradictions between his work and religion. They had a happy marriage, but he exhibited recurring illnesses, which likely were related to his anxiety over his work and his fear that it would not be accepted. Partly because Emma could not embrace his views. He was compelled to do the work, because to him it was incontrovertible. But knowing oneself and broadcasting the knowledge are two different things. It took another biologist publishing a very similar belief to motivate him to finally publish his work.

I like Heiligman's approach to Darwin's life and work. Nowadays this subject is still seen mostly as the contradiction between science and religion, with little of the actual work involved in the discussion. It is good to see the struggle within the man himself and interactions with his friends, family and colleagues on the subject. It is also good to have some clarifications about the religious environment of the time, to see past beliefs that have changed (like the idea that God created each species as unchangeable). It is important to understand that some of his work can be accepted by all, even if the whole of evolution theory is not accepted for religious or other reasons.

For me, there was a little too much focus on Emma's resistance to Charles' theories. It was reiterated too many times, but I like that the book centered around the idea, because her concerns are the crux of why his work is still not accepted by many. As open as she was to her husband, she still feared to accept his evidence. Also, the religious and social climate was so different then than now. Religion permeated all of life for so many. I think it is important for people to see how much our beliefs have changed since then, whether we are religious or not.

related-Charles Darwin, Emma Wedgwood Darwin, naturalists, evolution, British history, The Origin of Species

Cities by Robert Royston. ed by Isaac Asimov.
Facts On File Publications: NY, 1985.

The book was written with a view towards the future. Although it was published a while ago, it still has interesting and futuristic information. Certainly, the cities are still getting larger. However, technological growth is slower than it was in the 20th century-other than that of computers and other electronics. Problems are still largely not being resolved-although that must change soon.

related-cities, city planning, urbanization, past and future of cities

Civil Liberties of the Opposing Viewpoints series. ed by Auriana Ojeda.
Greenhaven Press/Gale Group/Thomson Learning: Farmington Hills, MI, 2004.

This book is a part of a series that includes controversial issues of today with arguments from people on both sides of the issues. Some of the people are well-known, others not. Much of the information is taken from periodicals and speeches, some from books. The viewpoints given are only a starting point to encourage the readers to learn more, to show another side than to what the readers have so far been exposed, to emphasize the necessity of listening to another viewpoint, to help the readers to develop skills in filtering information and forming opinions, and to give the readers a better understanding of their own viewpoints. There is a brief introduction before each issue, and there is no conclusion, as the readers are meant to consider the ideas themselves. These are not questions that have one easy answer. Both sides have merit. Both sides deserve thought.

This particular book addresses Constitutional Amendments; freedoms of citizens such as freedom of expression, religion, and privacy; and how our rights have been affected by the War on Terrorism.

Again, this is only a starting point. But I believe it is important, since it is not possible to have anything resembling a democracy without recognizing others' views. We are at a point in our society when there is little honest discussion of political ideas. What we have is a screaming match with those in the middle abstaining from any view and people afraid to talk to anyone for fear they may disagree. We have very important matters to fix, but it cannot be done without truly listening to each other and ending the us vs them mentality. Nobody is going to have their way totally without totalitarianism. We need to end the mentality of If I can't have my way, then we won't do anything. I believe we ought to be able to discuss things if we approach them honestly and consider the feelings of other people. It is mostly the labeling of others, as if it somehow makes them less of people, that stands in the way of discourse. I know it is a difficult thing to learn how to discuss heated topics without an all-out argument. But it is imperative that we learn, children and adults alike. None of the problems our society faces will improve otherwise.

I see this book as being an effective tool for promoting discussion in the classroom, especially government classes. It is also an excellent source for essay questions, and I would recommend it for all young adults in honing skills in discerning and making judgements. This is not the only book I've read in the series, but this one is far more important. I do like the series in general, as it is a way of learning about issues with less of the demagoguery.

related-civil rights in the United States, freedom of speech, separation of Church and State, right to privacy, terrorism, government, politics

Cristo and Jeanne-Claude: Through The Gates and Beyond by Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan.
Roaring Brook Press/Holtzbrinck Publishing : NY, 2008.

The main focus of this book is Cristo and Jeanne-Claude's process of constructing their large scale art projects, which are as much a managerial achievement and public discourse as they are artwork. The Gates in New York's Central Park are their most recent temporary display. For 2 weeks in 2006, The Gates (7503 orange, rectangular arches with free-flowing fabric) stood along the paths of the park. The project was proposed in 1979 and was 26 years in the making.

A short history of the artists' work is given, as well as the next 2 upcoming projects: the Arkansas River Project, CO and The Mastaba of Abu Dhabi for the United Arab Emirates. For the Arkansas River Project, forty miles of the river will have a silvery fabric ceiling, temporarily. The Mastaba will be a huge structure made of oil drums, taller than the largest pyramid at Giza.

Although orange would not have been a color I would choose, The Gates would have been exciting to experience. A splash of color in the New York winter, the fabric flowing with the wind, crowds of people sharing the experience. If I had known it was happening, it might have been a reason to visit New York. I think it would have been amazing to see from above, maybe from some nearby skyscrapers. I would have liked to have seen the fabric rippling. I'm sure many people view the artists' projects as stunts, but I find them intriguing. They require public discussion and agreement before they can be constructed, and they are a shared public experience. The magnitude is amazing for their self-imposed temporary events.

I was first introduced to the artists' work in college. The Surrounded Islands of Biscayne Bay, FL had been a recent project. They were controversial then, too. I liked the idea, but I don't think I knew at the time what they were trying to accomplish.

Something else I would like to have seen was The Umrellas, Japan and California in 1991. 3100 umbrellas, 19 ft 8 in high and 28 ft in diameter, split between the two locations.

Greenberg and Jordan's book is a great introduction to Cristo and Jeanne-Claude's art projects. The pictures are wonderful, of course, and the process towards completion is enlightening.

Searching for pictures online, I found a community blog of The Gates event. Unfortunately, I didn't find many more pictures, other than the posters for sale.

related-artwork and artists, public events RL=4th and up

Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life by Jan Reynolds.
Lee & Low Books Inc: NY, 2009.

This is an awe-inspiring discussion of the growing process of rice in Bali, Indonesia - a sustainable farming and living cycle which has been in place since the ninth century. The author describes a network of human-made waterways, seasonal growing practices, and community understanding and cooperation, which as a whole provide proper irrigation, replenishing nutrients, and pest control. She also explains that in the 1960s their government abandoned this system for a modern, technological approach. The result was devastating and unexpected. An American anthropologist (J. Stephen Lansing), with much effort, proved to the Balinese government that the traditional system worked far better and needed to be restored. They have moved back towards their centuries-old system, but damage still remains.

Reynolds' description is full of life, and there is a sense of awe for the farming process. The Balinese people understand life and balancing nature in a way that seems to be lost to Americans. The long history of such an unbroken cycle of sustainability is spiritual and amazing. I hope that this book will give our children a greater understanding of sources of their food. A greater understanding can reduce both waste and overeating.

The photographs are beautiful and are a perfect accompaniment.

related-rice, Indonesia, Bali, sustainable agriculture, J. Stephen Lansing, conservation, chemical fertilizers and pesticides
RL=3rd & up, use for Social Studies 4th-6th

The Danger Box by Blue Balliett.
Scholastic Press: NY, 2010.

I snatched up this book immediately since I enjoyed Balliett's art mysteries so thoroughly. This is another mystery with educational connection. Odd at first, because there are three story lines from the beginning which have no apparent connection. All three eventually diverge, but not until about halfway through the book. One of the stories is very strange - clues to a mystery person that I thought initially was imaginary. Instead, it is a historical figure with a delightful connection to the protagonist. Personally, I cheated. I looked at the back for some clue about authenticity and found a whopper of a revelation. The meaning of the book grew in proportion as a result.

The all-encompassing story follows a young boy Zoomy, raised by grandparents in a small town, who is legally blind and sees and adjusts to life differently from others around him. He develops his first non-family friendship with a summer visitor he meets at the library. They share the joy of research through the computer. Zoomy gains possession of a notebook written by someone much like himself, and the two friends research topics noted in the journal.

The intro speaks of a valuable package being shipped in a peculiar fashion. When the recipient dies, the package doesn't quite make it to its destination. The last carrier is drawn to Zoomy's town and mayhem ensues.

Zoomy's character is one of the best things about the book. His sight is discussed as a positive aspect, forcing him to move slower and more carefully but also ensuring that he sees things others don't. It is his reason for studying nature and part of his connection to the mystery person. That mystery is also a favorite part of the book. Zoomy and Lorrol collaborate on a newsletter project, with the content being clues to the person's identity.

Balliet has a knack for building anticipation, with so much going on in her novels at once. I love the educational connections! She has some of the very best mysteries, smart and challenging, with great personality. This one is a more standard mystery than the art mysteries, but with her usual flare and mind-blowing revelations.

Sequence order is shifted within the book making it harder to decipher clues.

related-mystery, history, science, physical disabilities or challenges, living with grandparents, family reunion, small towns, family businesses, high interest

The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins by Barbara Kerley. il Brian Selznick.
Scholastic Press: NY, 2001.
Caldecott Honor 2002

Through the prose and images, the reader is drawn into the setting: England in the 1850s. In 1853, with the help of a scientist, Waterhouse Hawkins builds the first models of dinosaurs to be displayed on the grounds of the Crystal Palace science museum. To impress the scientific community he planned a dinner party to present his creations.

The illustrations in this book are amazing, and it is an interesting story that most people wouldn't already know. There are also great notes at the end regarding the dinosaurs, Waterhouse Hawkins, Boss Tweed, the Crystal Palace, and the experiences of Barbara Kerley and Brian Selznick in recreating Hawkins's story.
RL=3rd-5th, read aloud with PreK-2nd

Eight Hands Round: Patchwork Alphabet by Ann Whitford Paul. il Jeanette Winter.
HarperCollins Publishers: NY, 1991.

This is an alphabet book that focuses on traditional patchwork patterns and historical references that likely inspired the creation of the patterns (nature, chores, events, people, etc). The names of the patterns are alphabetized. The descriptions are fairly simple historical bits. Most refer to ordinary occurrences in colonial or pioneering life. A few are quite specific and may need more explanation.

I enjoyed the influences for the patterns. Some are obvious; others have names I never would have guessed. The patterns are displayed as the basic square and repeating squares to show what a whole quilt would look like.

related-quilt patterns, patchwork quilts, alphabet, United States history, frontier and pioneer life
RL=2nd-4th, read aloud with preK-1st, could be used for elementary history

Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery by Russell Freedman.
Clarion Books/Houghton Mifflin: NY, 1993.
Newbery Honor 1994

Eleanor Roosevelt was unquestionably the most influential woman of her time. She still is one of the most inspirational. Raised in a very proper manner, expected to fulfill the traditional womanly role, Eleanor showed exceptional promise even as a girl in boarding school. From there her talents blossomed with her attempts to be useful - teaching and volunteering. In supporting her husband's career, she became a reporter, representing him in an official capacity when he could not be present and researching or spying on his behalf. In the process, she became a passionate advocate of the disadvantaged and oppressed. No cause too small and none too big. After FDR's death her influence extended throughout the world as a representative in the United Nations. Through much of her political life, she also maintained jobs teaching, writing, and hosting radio and TV shows. She was the first President's wife to have her own career and public life.

Russell Freedman's photobiography is, as usual, a wonderful book. Informative, fascinating, and inspiring. He has a flowing style that captures the importance of the moment and doesn't make you feel like you are reading boring history. Instead, you are reading about life.

The more I read of Eleanor, the more I admire her. I have only managed to read a small portion of her own work, about half of "My Day," 3 volumes of Eleanor's newspaper columns, plus half of an adult bio and a couple YA bios. Freedman's biography is fairly comprehensive of what I have read elsewhere. And it reminds me that I do want to read further, if I can find the time.

related-wives of presidents, First Ladies, United States history
RL=6th and up

The Energy Question: Thinking About Tomorrow by Martin J. Gutnik.
Enslow Publishers, Inc: Hillside, NJ, 1993.

The history of energy usage and all the major sources of power are explained in a clear and precise manner. The need to move away from fossil fuels towards renewable sources is also clearly stated. Sadly, though it has been more than a decade since publication, the U.S. has still not moved much in the direction of renewable sources. There has been much talk and some research, but little funding and actual implementation. This book has not become outdated because we have not moved forward.

Four Hats in the Ring: The 1912 Election and the Birth of Modern American Politics by Lewis L. Gould.
University Press of Kansas: Lawrence, KS, 2008.

I found this to be a fascinating read. In the cover blurb, it says that the election was between four strong candidates - incumbent President William Howard Taft, former President Theodore Roosevelt, up-and-comer Woodrow Wilson, and Eugene Debs, with his last attempt. All of them were distinguished, with great reputations. They also were in the fight of their lives to influence the direction of U.S. policy. All, but Taft, were pushing the agenda in a more progressive direction, as was the popular sentiment of the times. The personalities and concerns of the candidates leading up to and through the election have been analyzed here. My understanding of the times has certainly increased through reading this, and I am struck, as I have been many times, by how similar some of the issues are today, how the same concerns come back over and over or don't ever change.

I am not sure exactly what is meant by "modern American politics." There are a few trends that started with the 1912 election, however. One important difference is the change from candidates being determined by the legislature to being determined by the primaries and caucuses, making the two dominant parties much stronger than they had been in the past. Prior to this change, it was not uncommon to have parties splinter off and have a good showing. In fact, leading into the 1860 election, that is what formed the Republican party, and Lincoln won. Another huge change is that the candidates did not travel all over the place campaigning; their party members did it for them, and they had journalist backers that were far more important to their campaigns. They also did not attend the conventions; they waited at home for results. It is possible that the switch to primaries was a factor in less involvement by the people regarding government. Prior to that, individuals had been following politics closely. The fact that they had to be in one of the parties to be involved may have decreased involvement. The book discusses a downward trend, but says that it may also have been due to more distractions and opportunities than citizens had previously had. So, not just a change in politics was occuring, though there was a push toward reform in many areas, but also big changes socially in the country.

The book is intended for adults, but it is also quite accessible, so appropriate for young adults and others who might be interested at a young age. Perhaps, as a book for a report during the study of Presidents in elementary school.

related-United States Presidents and elections, Presidential candidates, political campaigns, politics and government, biographies, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Eugene Debs, Socialists, reforms, progressivism, Bull Moose Party, 20th century

Interesting side note: I later started reading Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin, which is largely about the campaigning leading up to the 1860 election. This book also focuses on 4 strong candidates, though there were more involved in the election than that. The 4 candidates were all vying for the Republican nomination. Lincoln was not the frontrunner, but became the strongest option for those opposed to Senator William H. Seward.

Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott by Russell Freedman.
Holiday House: NY, 2006.

When I was in 9th grade, our class read about Rosa Parks. The information was brief, and the gist was that she deserved the credit for the boycott and desegregation. Freedman describes the factors leading up to the boycott and the amazing coming together of the community to make it happen. The boycott was precipitated by Rosa Parks's arrest and willingness to appeal, but the tremendous change happened because the black community was determined that there would be change. Can you imagine the sense of pride and determination the people had who walked miles every workday for more than a year?

The strength of the book lies in Freedman's telling of all the events of the boycott (not just Rosa Parks's part) and the "sacrifices and determination of thousands" who normally relied on the buses of Montgomery, Alabama.

related-African American history, civil rights, bus boycott, 20th century, Montgomery-Alabama, segregation, transportation, race relations, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jo Ann Robinson, Claudette Colvin, protesters, civil disobedience

The Freedom Writers Diary by The Freedom Writers with Erin Gruwell.
Broadway Books/Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group: NY, 1999.

Wow! What an indescribably powerful book. I cannot believe it took so long to learn about it. The contents are eyeopening, insightful, intense. It is awe-inspiring in many ways: the techniques the teacher uses to engage students disregarded by everyone else, the lengths she went to show them the relevance of both literature and strangers, the progression from the hopelessness of depressing living conditions to the determination to not only improve their own lives but stand for social change, and the excruciatingly honest, personal and insightful discussion of the students in their diaries.

Erin Gruwell, a young and fledgling teacher in 1994, committed herself to truly making a difference in the education and lives of her misfit students. She had her English class for freshman and sophomore years. Then, because the class had been so successful, where they were expected to fail and drop out, she was allowed to continue teaching her students, who had become close and committed to each other, all four years. Her class was a much needed safe haven for them. Through those four years, the class became an instrument of social change. The catalyst for the incredible change included the high level of participation of the class, the topics and books picked to correspond with the lives of the students, unusual opportunities given to the students, and the teacher's belief in her students.

Perhaps the most astonishing aspect of the book is the deep discussion in the diaries with evidence of growth within each student. They poured their hearts and souls into their writings-inspired by Anne Frank and Zlata Filipovic of Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo. In the process, their minds and hearts opened in a way they could never have imagined. Just reading the book (halfway through), I could see the truth of this. These students, having seen so much suffering, were profoundly studying issues most adults refuse to face-and learning to approach them from a standpoint of wisdom and equality. The breadth of the issues is also astounding. There is something there for everyone to relate to. In the beginning, the entries were mostly about racism, violence and uselessness. But the more open the students became, the more profound the discussion.

In all of my homeschool years, I have believed in a key part of these students' success. For any struggling readers, subject matter relevant to the readers' lives can make all the difference in their desire to read and learn. The emphasis on involvement is important, too. In this case, the affirmation that the students' stories mattered. Because they wrote anonymously, they were willing to be honest about the secrets of their lives. They proofread each others' diaries and learned of others' painful experiences. They found common ground. Their class grew and grew in scope and depth, because they had learned that education is about life-and it doesn't stop outside of the classroom.

related-teenagers, tolerance, Wilson High School, Long Beach, California, relevance of education and literature, reaching and inspiring underprivileged youth, teaching techniques, journals
RL=YA-adult, mature content

Genius of Common Sense: Jane Jacobs and the Story of The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Glenna Lang and Marjory Wunsch.
David R. Godine: Boston, 2009.

This is the biography of a woman who was rocking the boat her whole life. She is primarily known for saving city areas from demolition in the U.S. and Canada. Also known for changing the way developers look at those city areas. Living in a city herself and biking around her own city, she noticed the wonderful details that make up the life and character of the city. With urban renewal in the 1950s and 1960s, large development projects were planned which would destroy much of the character of the neighborhoods, leaving many families and businesses no choice but to move out of the city.

Jane Jacobs wrote a book about the life that was being demolished, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, pointing out what was being lost to urban renewal. She also helped to organize several protests by communities who were labeling "slums" in order to cheaply proceed with the building projects and hopefully avoid question. The citizen protests were successful as they proved the areas were not slums, and the communities continued to thrive.

I love this book. I didn't already know about Jane Jacobs. I now want to read her books. Though unknown to me before, I suspect her legacy was passed down to me through my college Art and Architecture class. It seems so obvious to me about glorying in the history and diversity of the old neighborhoods. The messages are loud and clear about the underdog winning against uncaring planners and the fame and money they expected to receive and the citizens getting their way because their way of life was at stake. Also, Jane Jacobs had no credentials that City Hall had to respect. She had determination and knowledge that made sense, so citizens can prevail now also, if they try.
related-women, city planners, life in the city, diversity, city development, urban renewal, United States, New York City, 20th century, sociology
RL=5th-adult, mature 5th

Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village by Laura Amy Schlitz. il by Robert Byrd.
Candlewick Press: Cambridge, MA, 2007.
Newbery Medal 2008

What a nice way of presenting details of Medieval history and daily life! When I first looked in the book, I noticed the poetry format and thought it was going to be harder to read, dragging, maybe not something kids would pick for themselves. Maybe they wouldn't. But the book is fresh and alive. The text is loosely poems, mostly sounding like speech. They are 19 monologues and 2 dialogues, meant to be performed. The 2 dialogues are blended, sounding similar to Paul Fleischman's Joyful Noise. It is as if the personalities stepped out of time to discuss their lives, their concerns.

The characters are all young people, between 10 and 15 years old. They represent different aspects of the Medieval village and give a realistic image of the times. There are also a few excerpts further explaining some points and a lengthy bibliography for more reading or study.

Schlitz is a librarian who wrote the pieces for a Medieval unit study at her local school. The students all wanted strong parts, so she complied.

This would be a great choice for Readers Theater, too.

The presentation of the book is reminiscent of illuminated books, with borders and small detailed pictures on all title pages and larger ones here and there.

related-Middle Ages, monologues, plays, trades, society and social issues

Good Times Travel Agency by Linda Bailey. il Bill Slavin.
Kids Can Press: Tonawanda, NY.

Adventures in Ancient Egypt 2000
Adventures in the Middle Ages 2000
Adventures with the Vikings 2001
Adventures in Ancient Greece 2002
Adventures in Ancient China 2003
Adventures in the Ice Age 2004

The Good Times Travel adventure series is an uproarious, informative, high interest series. Three children travel to historical settings through a travel agency. In order to get back home, they must finish reading the book of facts related to the setting. It is written in comic book format with facts, instructive remarks, and funny asides.

The Great Bridge-Building Contest by Bo Zaunders. il Roxie Munro.
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers: NY, 2004.

The Board of Public Works in Richmond, Virginia announced a competition for a bridge to be built over the Tyart River in the town of Philippi. Anyone could compete. Construction experts from all over the Eastern United States came to participate. Lemuel Chenoweth, a self-taught cabinetmaker from northwestern Virginia, was awarded the contract. Unlike the other participants, he had no blueprints, and his model was much simpler than the engineers. But he ingeniously proved his bridge was strong in a way the others could not. The bridge today is part of a federal highway-holding many times the load for which it was built.

This is a great story about an amazing bridge with interesting facts and attractive pictures. There are also descriptions of other covered bridges that have survived at the end of the story.
RL=2nd-4th and read aloud

The Great Circle: A History of the First Nations by Neil Philip.
Clarion Books/Houghton Mifflin Company: NY, 2006.

This book includes pivotal moments in the history of the Native Americans from first contact with Europeans to Tecumseh's movement to unite the First Nations. It also includes the resistance of several tribes as well as massacres that influenced thought on both sides. It demonstrates the varied beliefs and practices of the many tribes and explains some of the ideas that made war inevitable. Lastly, it honors the First Nations for who they were and are and for their persistence and rebirth.

I do not know enough about the subject to know how well researched the book is, but it seems to be an excellent introduction to the theme.

related-Indians of North America, government relations, Native American social life and customs

The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest by Lynne Cherry.
Gulliver Books/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers: NY, 1990.

Beautiful illustrations and a variety of jungle creatures give us a gentle reminder of the importance of the Amazon rainforests and the need to protect them. The animals speak to a man who lays down to sleep after trying to chop a great kapok tree.

The Great Little Madison by Jean Fritz.
G. P. Putnam's Sons: NY, 1989.

So much importance is placed on Thomas Jefferson and George Washington (while Madison is mostly left out) that I didn't realize how important James Madison was to the founding of the U.S. before reading Jean Fritz's book. It is one of the most exciting of her biographies (of which she has done many). Not only did Madison write the initial proposal for the Constitution, he also had to explain it to the other delegates and persuade them that it wouldn't take away the powers of their states. Through the convention called to solve the problems of the Continental Congress, he took his own secrets notes of everyone's reactions so that he could address their concerns. He also persuaded Washington of the importance of his presence. The other delegates would feel safer starting a new government knowing Washington would be the new leader. Madison's influence did not stop with the ratification of the Constitution. He continued to play an active role in the federal government until the end of his life. Sure of what was best for the country and determined to convince the rest.

This is a great book for clear understanding of the founding of the U.S. government. It is a short book but gives a much more in depth and clearer picture than textbooks.
related-U.S. Presidents, James Madison, friendship with Thomas Jefferson, the Constitution of the United States of America, slavery, history of Virginia, War of 1812, Dolley Madison, 18th-19th century, Revolutionary war

The Green Truck Garden Giveaway by Jacqueline Briggs Martin. il. Alec Gillman.
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers: NY, 1997.

This book is about the transformation of a neighborhood. Visitors to Second Street bring garden supplies to get the inhabitants started on their first gardening experiences. They plant each garden, including pots for a woman who is unwilling to get dirty and brambles that turn into roses and raspberries for a crotchety old man. As the plants grow, attitudes change, and the neighbors start to share and rejoice.

This is one of my favorite garden books, portraying the joy gardens bring to newcomers and old hands. It is written in an almanac format and has notes about organizations that collect seeds and encourage people to grow gardens. The pictures are beautiful, and there are activities and recipes to try, as well as random notes related to gardening. I especially enjoy the idea of volunteers traveling and gifting people with gardens.
RL=2nd-4th, read aloud preK-1st

A History of US by Joy Hakim.
Oxford University Press: NY.

Book One: The First Americans
Book Two: Making Thirteen Colonies
Book Three: From Colonies to Country
Book Four: The New Nation
Book Five: Liberty for All?
Book Six: War, Terrible War
Book Seven: Reconstruction and Reform
Book Eight: An Age of Extremes
Book Nine: War, Peace, and All That Jazz
Book Ten: All the People 1945-1994

As a homeschool teacher, I rely on the library for most of our History information. When I found Joy Hakim's books, I found a goldmine. I needed an overview to use for general information for the different time periods-to use as a springboard. I did not expect to find the detail of a ten volume set. Thinking back to the History textbooks I read in school, I was delighted to read an intelligent, and at times witty, account of our history. These books inspired me to read beyond what I already knew about U.S. history. The books also recommend books for more specific information. The series is interesting enough to read solely for pleasure.

Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow by Susan Campbell Bartoletti.
Scholastic Inc: NY, 2005.
Newbery Honor 2006

Until now, most of what I have read regarding Germany in the 1930s through 1940s was about the war itself or the Holocaust. I had known that Hitler's rise to power was a reaction against restrictions upon them as a result of WWI. I find it hard to understand why witnesses of WWI would have wanted another war. This book brings a new perspective-the idea that the preparation and desire for war was a product of the youth being targeted by NAZI propaganda.

In the U.S., not much time is spent studying the build up to war by the Germans (nor the reactions of other countries). It is important to realize that the Hitler Youth organization was growing for 7 years before Hitler was appointed chancellor at which time it was nearly 100,000 youth. Within the next year it increased more than 2,000,000. There were 6,000,000 members of Hitler Youth before Germany invaded another country. Given that it is the young who are sent to war, many of the soldiers would have participated in NAZI rallies and spreading of propaganda. The youth were the key. They helped him gain power at a time when they felt little hope for the future, and they enthusiastically did what was asked in order to rebuild their country.

The narrative focuses on 12 young people, most of whom were involved in the Hitler Youth organization. One was killed supporting the NAZI party before Hitler became chancellor. Five were arrested as traitors. Four contined to support Hitler throughout the war. Their stories are complicated. Maybe this is a step in understanding why the events happened. The same sort of singlemindedness is apparent in out country now and others around the world. It is frightening to think it could happen again, but to assume that it couldn't is foolish.

related-Hitler-Jugend, National Socialism and youth, Germany, 20th century, education, propaganda
RL=7th-adultHow I Learned Geography by Uri Shulevitz.
Farrar Straus Giroux: NY, 2008.

A boy and his parents are refugees from their war-torn homeland, living in a far removed, desolate area. All their possessions gone and little to live on, sometimes not even food. One day, the boy's father comes home late from the market with a map instead of food. The boy and mother are disappointed and angry as they go to bed without food. However, the next day the father hangs the map which covers a whole wall, and it lights and warms the whole room. As time goes on, the boy studies the map, and his curiosity and imagination are stimulated, making their dire lifestyle easier to tolerate.

The story is based on the author's own experiences. As a child, his family fled from Poland to Turkestan (now Kazakhstan). Their is an explanation at the back, including a few pictures.

The style of the illustrations is cartoonish, with mixed mediums watercolor, pen and ink and collage. Vibrant and appealing, an enjoyable accompaniment to the story.

related-refugees, poverty, survival, maps, geography, imagination, touches on World War II, author's childhood, social studies
RL=2nd-5th. Despite the circumstances, the mood is light. It moves quickly enough away from difficulties to the boy's using the map to explore.

In Defense of Liberty: The Story of America's Bill of Rights by Russell Freedman.
Holiday House: U.S., 2003.

Our founding fathers knew that the U.S. Constitution did not have strong protections for individuals. So, they immediately introduced ten amendments to the Constitution (the Bill of Rights) that had not been ratified yet. This enlightening book explores court cases that have defined for us what these amendments mean regarding our individual rights. Many things we consider rights today were won for us by these cases. Also, there are things we think of as rights today that may not actually be backed up legally despite the Bill of Rights. This is a good place to start learning about complicated civil rights issues.
related-U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Constitutional amendments, civil rights

The Inventor's Times: Real-Life Stories of 30 Amazing Creations by Dan Driscoll, James Zigarelli, and the Staff of The Inventor's Times.
Tangerine Press/Scholastic, Inc: NY, 2002.

These are 30 of the most famous articles taken from The Inventor's Times-a newspaper reporting on the latest inventions of the times. There are also some portions on the sides that are ridiculous and must have been as jokes for the publishing of the book.

Just Like Abraham Lincoln by Bernard Waber.
Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, 1964.

Mr. Potts, the next door neighbor, looks exactly like Abraham Lincoln. He has clothes like him and behaves like him.

The story gives a good impression of what Lincoln was like and what he stood for. It is a beautiful tribute that is sure to inspire more Lincolnphiles, and it has a funny ending.
RL=1st-2nd and read aloud

King Arthur: In Fact and Legend by Geoffrey Ashe.
Thomas Nelson Inc: Camden, NJ, 1969.

Ashe discusses the legend of Arthur and its history and evidence of Arthur in history. He uses Malory as the basis for the legend and refers to Geoffrey of Monmouth, Nennius, and Welsh and British legend and rumor to establish a believable reference point for Arthur in British history. He also mentions a few archaeological findings to strengthen the conclusions.

The evidence that has been discovered regarding a true King Arthur is fascinating. The use of the legend through history is also intriguing-particularly King Henry VII's claim that he fulfilled the prophecy of Arthur's return. From reading of the history of Arthur, I have a much clearer understanding of British history. If what Ashe says is true, then that would make Henry VII the 1st truly British King of all England. The real Arthur was not, and between him and Henry VII are Saxons and Normans. No wonder the Tudors were popular.

There is also some discussion of the rebirth of the legend in the 20th century to present in which there are many variations. Some of this is due to discoveries and revelations about the 6th century Arthur. Some of it is due to more widespread knowledge of Welsh and British legend, and some has to do with more creative license on the part of the writers. For whatever reason there is much more available on the subject, and Ashe lists works I hadn't heard of.

The Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle by Jewel Grutman and Gay Matthael. il by Adam Cvijanovic.
Lickle Publishing Inc: Palm Beach, FL, 2001.
Originally by Thomasson Grant, 1994.

The thing that attracted me to the book and still captures my attention the most is the beautiful drawings: vibrant colors, meticulous detail, and spirit and emotion conveyed.

Once I started reading though, I was entranced by the powerful feeling in the relating of events. The telling is simple and straightforward, but the Native American experience during the United States expansion is captured eloquently.

I was surprised at how much historical content is portrayed in this succinct story. The characters are not historical people, nor does this mostly deal with specific events. It is more a typical way of life for the people and typical treatment of them.

In keeping with the idea of a ledgerbook that a student at the Carlisle Indian School (a school for educating Indians in the American culture) might have written, the style of the drawings is pictographs. In transitioning from one language to the other, the students were encouraged to draw to help depict their stories, their thoughts. They used pictographs, copying the style of the art in their culture. As they learned English, they wrote captions to explain the pictures.

The fictional journal writer records his experiences - what happened to his people, how he came to be at the school, experiences at the school, and thoughts about others and his future. His telling is a nicely rendered historical description of Native American children who were sent to be assimilated into the White Man's world.

related-Dakota Indians, Dakota artists, Dakota literature, United States Indian School, Carlisle, PA, history, languages and communication, assimilation, education, journals
RL=1st-2nd, use for Social Studies through 5th grade

Leonardo: Beautiful Dreamer by Robert Byrd.
Dutton Children's Books/Penguin Young Readers Group: NY, 2003.

Leonardo: Beautiful Dreamer is a biography for young readers focusing on Leonardo's notebooks, as that is where most of the knowledge of Leonardo da Vinci's thoughts, explorations, and discoveries come from. The writing is accessible to 1st through 5th graders (though a challenge for some 1st and 2nd graders) without watering down the content too much. The text could stand alone, but the illustrations add greatly to the appeal of the book. I selected the book first of all for the beauty of the design and pictures, and the reading experience was excellent with both combined. The illustrations draw the reader in, and with so many details, children will want to pour over the pages.

This may not be what you would normally think of as a picture book, but it can be used for young ones, primarily looking at the pictures or skipping over some of the content and discussing some, too. I do think there is enough information to appeal to 5th graders still, but the illustrations, blending many of da Vinci's own sketches with scenes from his life, are so fascinating that the illustrations are most of the book. Any child reading the book will come away with a greater understanding of Leonardo da Vinci than I had in my pre-college years.

related-Leonardo da Vinci, artists and paintings, scientific exploration and discoveries, observation and curiosity
RL=1st-5th, read aloud with pre-K through 1st

The Librarian Who Measured the Earth by Kathryn Lasky. il Kevin Hawkes.
Little, Brown and Company: Boston, 1994.

An amazing book about an incredible man! If it's not enough that Eratosthenes was the chief librarian of the most famous library of ancient times-maybe ever-how about that he was able to figure out the circumference of the Earth using time, the angle of a shadow, rudimentary measuring techniques, and his mathematical knowledge? Add to that the fact that he had to research bits and pieces of information from the scrolls in the library and put it all together himself. All of this prompted by a question no one else could answer. Questions spurred his education from the beginning and set the course for his life.

The book is as much about Ancient Greek culture and education as it is about Eratosthenes, since there isn't much information to be found about him. Enough though to stimulate curiosity and inspire awe, which is exactly what the book does.

The illustrations work perfectly with story. The pictures are detailed but in a blurred way instead of exact. There is great use of color-vibrant in parts and subdued in others-with a smoothness throughout. I particularly enjoyed the shelves of scrolls, the sliced pie with the tiny people and camel, and the spread with the surveyors walking their measured steps. The pictures are so good that the book can be introduced to young kids despite the difficult concepts in the book. For young ones you will want to read ahead to determine if you want to skip some or reword some of the story.

related-Eratosthenes, measurement of Earth, Greek Astronomy, Ancient Geography, geographers, astronomers, library at Alexandria, Greek gymnasium or school

Lincoln: In His Own Words edited by Milton Meltzer. il Stephen Alcorn.
Harcourt Brace & Company: NY, 1993.

Years ago I compiled a list of books to read for a unit study on the American Civil War. I haven't posted it yet, because I made the list before I started reviewing books. I wanted to reread and review first. Somehow this book escaped my notice at the time. Odd, considering Meltzer is one of my favorite historians.

Because I have read several books on Lincoln, there was not much new to me in this one. It does cover the important points, and since the approach is different it adds in some ways also. Meltzer has a series of books in which he uses the speaker or writer's words for perspective regarding the person's character and deeds. This works perfectly for Lincoln because he was a fluent and eloquent communicator-spoken and written. He is one of the few in history that stands out for his speaking and writing skills, and he is accessible to the average person.

Certain words of his reach out to me across time and still seem appropriate and right. For ex., he made a statement, which I hadn't heard before, against preemptive war as a Congressman regarding the war with Mexico. Given that the book was published in 1993, I found that interesting. Before G. W. Bush I had never thought about the issue. I would guess his words seem so right, because he was contemplative and analytical, not just spouting off. He was principled and stuck to his principles amid chaos, and he used his own words, which is rare nowadays. What I have read of his speeches makes me want to read more. What else did he say that others didn't care enough to note?

A wonderful surprise is the graphics in the book. They aren't necessary, but they are beautifully done. There are black and white, full page, engraving style prints-many of them portraits. They incorporate motifs of the period. The chapter heads are bordered with monotone, block prints. Much of the graphics remind me of quilting and embroidery from that time. Even some of the portraits have motifs within them. A friend who saw the title said she thought it sounded boring. But when she opened the book, she was amazed by the graphics. She studied them for a while and took down the name of the book for future reference. I know that I have seen the illustrator's work before in historical books and will search for more.

related-Abraham Lincoln, United States Presidents, Civil War, US politics and government, 1849-1865, political and social views

Listen to the Wind by Greg Mortenson & Susan L. Roth.
Dial Books for Young Readers/Penguin Group: NY, 2009.

This is an adaptation of Three Cups of Tea by Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. The story is an account of his mission to build a school for the remote village of Korphe, Pakistan, after the villagers cared for him when he was lost in the mountains. This version of the events is told from the children's viewpoint. Amazing things told in a matter-of-fact style. It must have seemed like a miracle to them. The children ask "Can you hear our voices?" I can certainly hear the excitement.

The illustrations are multi-media, painted backgrounds with the school and people as collages. There are photos of the actual village at the end. The backgrounds are my favorite part of the pictures, but the combination works well for the story.

The story is what most impresses me about the book. It's exciting and needs to be shared. I first saw the picture book, but what is even more exciting is the story from which it was adapted.

related-rural schools, Pakistan, hospitality, friendship, mountain village
RL=2nd-4th, read aloud to toddlers-1st, use for geography 1st-3rd grades

The Man Who Made Time Travel by Kathryn Lasky. il Kevin Hawkes.
Melanie Kroupa Books/Farrar, Straus and Giroux: NY, 2003.

The title is a little deceptive. It is meant more literally than I would have expected. The story has to do with Britain's attempt to find an accurate way to measure longitude and so limit the number of lost and wrecked ships. Some people believed that the key would be in more accurate time keeping-including John Harrison, a rural self-taught carpenter with a passion for clockmaking. His concept was different than others in that he believed it was important to construct a timepiece that would not be affected by conditions at sea-especially weather and the rolling motion of the ships. He was successful and spent much of his life perfecting what are now called chronometers, but he ran into a snag with the contest which started his inventing.

Besides the most interesting story, Kevin Hawkes's illustrations are very well done. Most of them are impressionistic and capture the mood of the story. The cover, title page, and end pages are more detailed, and beautiful. Others are also arresting. All have certain highlighted details, some with a point to be made and some showing humor.
related-measurement of longitude, chronometers, John Harrison, measurement of time, history of clocks, clock and watch makers, biography

The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordicai Gerstein.
Roaring Brook Press: Brookfield, CT, 2003.

Caldecott Award 2004

This is the story of Phillipe Petit, the young Frenchman who walked and danced for an hour on a tightrope strung between the two towers of the World Trade Center in NY in 1974. The story is presented with beauty and humor. I can imagine the two towers being a perfect place for a tightrope experience. The book was written as a memorial to the World Trade Center.
RL=1st-3rd and read aloud to younger

Marven of the Great North Woods by Kathryn Lasky. il Kevin Hawkes.
Harcourt Brace & Company: NY, 1997.

This story is based on the story of the author's father during the winter of 1918. It was the year of the terrible influenza outbreak. After Marven's great-aunt succumbed to the disease, his parents wanted to make sure one of their children was safely away. Since he was the only boy, he was given an opportunity by a friend of the family to work in a logging camp through the winter. It was his first time to be away, and the men in the camp mostly spoke French. His job was to tally the work the men were accomplishing. It was a chance to explore the woods on skis and enjoy a different culture.

This is a wonderful story, rich in historical ambience. It is far removed from my experience, and yet I enjoy reading about it, because it is a clue to my family history. My great-grandfather worked in logging camps and also played a fiddle. I was too young to remember his stories, but stories like this bring him close. Living in Maine, I also enjoy the experience of skiing through the woods and wonder what it was like to ski as a form of transportation long ago.

The illustrations are more in keeping with historical content, but still fairly bright. Hawkes is excellent at spotlighting special moments in the stories he illustrates. The pictures are not his most memorable work, but fit with the story and are enjoyable.

related-lumber camps, loggers, influenza, Jews, Minnesota
RL=2nd-3rd, read aloud to K-1st

A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary, 1785-1812 by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich.
Alfred A. Knopf: NY, 1990.
Received Pulitzer Prize and Bancroft Prize in 1991 for History

This book is one of the best biographies I've read and is dear to my heart. It has extra meaning for me, since we live within 45 minutes of Martha Ballard's home in a frontier town on the banks of the Kennebec River now known as Augusta, Maine. Even more so, because when I first read the book I had had a homebirth with midwives 1 to 2 years before. It was an incredibly awesome, life-changing event, and this was my 2nd child's birth.

There are several noteworthy aspects of this book. It is a well-written, exciting, and quite readable biography to start. Second, it has segments of Martha's diary in the book to compare and see where the biographer was getting her information. Because the Ballard family was important in the growth of this frontier town, we see not only Martha's reactions to events of the day, but also many of the activities that her family participated in regularly.

Martha was a frontier, homebirth midwife and natural healer, attending an average of 33 births per year (a total of 814 during the diary's span) and treating the townspeople (especially women and children) for their ailments and lending physical and emotional support. Her husband ran a lumber mill and was a surveyor for the region and was expected to participate in the militia. Martha and her daughters as well as the other women in the town wove their own cloth. Besides growing much of the family's food, Martha also grew the herbs she used to treat her patients. In her diary, she kept a record of the births and deaths-including those attended by others. She also noted transactions of family business.

Another fascinating aspect is that Martha practiced her profession at a time when doctors were starting to cut into the business of the midwives. Given my experiences, I wanted to know why anyone would choose a doctor for birth instead. A Midwife's Tale does partially address this question. Martha Ballard and Dr. Cony had very different practices. At the time, I believe the women preferred midwives. But the doctors actively (and sometimes aggressively) sought the business for themselves. They tended to have more education and were wealthy, respected, male citizens. They had greater influence with the men of the area, who were the ones to go for help at the time of the birth. In later years, they also campaigned against midwives. Migration also had an impact as women moved away from family and friends and lost the influence of the women's circle.

This is a more personal and detailed glimpse of history than we normally see. It is a fascinating read for anyone due to the historical content. But especially for women who have an interest in women's history.

A PBS documentary was made by American Experience (same title) in 1998. I did not see it, but may one day.

The book also notes that Martha Ballard was the sister of Clara Barton's grandmother, Dorothy Barton.

related-Martha Ballard, Hallowell and Augusta, Maine, Kennebec River Valley, social life and customs, midwives, frontier life 18th-19th century, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, women's history, labor/work of women in United States history, medical practices

Molly Bannaky by Alice McGill. il Chris K. Soentpiet.
Houghton Mifflin: Boston, 1999.

This is a powerful story based on the life of Benjamin Banneker's (scientist and mathematician) grandmother. The focus is on social conditions of the time and the strength and perseverance with which she met those situations. The pictures are beautiful two-page spreads.

One World, One Day by Barbara Kerley.
National Geographic Society: Washington, D.C., 2009.

I love Kerley's books in partnership with National Geographic. The photography is so great! The meaning that she conveys with so few words (rich words, but few) and the life captured in the pictures. Some of the shots are just beautiful photographically as well. There is so much humor, and I love the spirit of the project, the motivation to bring the world together, the visual evidence that we share the same basic needs and desires each day. And if that's not enough of a treat, there are her comments about each photograph and place at the end of the book. I've seen 3 of the 4 books now and thoroughly enjoyed each. The other 2 are A Little Peace and A Cool Drink of Water. I highly recommend this series.
related-children, social life and custom, pictorial works
RL=all ages, 1st grade reading level, but reading isn't necessary to enjoy

Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis by Jimmy Carter.
Simon & Schuster: NY, 2005.

In searching for a book title of Jimmy Carter's regarding Israel and Palestine, I came across this book at the public library. As Carter has lived his life with an emphasis on moral values, including his governing of his state and the nation, I wanted to see what he had to say. The book was written at a time when I, too, felt that our people were (and still are) moving away from living based on moral values, no matter how much people say they are important. Money has become the all important motivation for most of our society. For some, out of necessity.

I was surprised by the focus of the book. He talks about the merging of politics and fundamentalist religion and how that is shaping governmental policy. For a President who was and is strongly religious (even teaching Sunday school post government life), this was not what I was expecting to hear. However, as a person who is much more knowledgeable of the workings and players in our federal government, he saw connections between religious communities and politicians that I did not know existed. For ex., growing up in Texas, in the 1970s through 1980s, I was aware of the Moral Majority and the Christian Right, but they were considered extremist, fringe groups, and mostly not taken too seriously. I moved to New England in the early 1990s, and apparently, they started to become a stronger force within the Republican Party, with church leaders becoming politicians. It seemed to me that, as the Republican Party started to use the phrase "family values" more often in the 1990s, it started to move farther away from social responsibility. Communities and any funding of them through the 1990s and 2000s became less important to their supporters. We used to have hospitals and family clinics everywhere that were supported by the communities. They are mostly gone now, greatly adding to the health care mess that confronts us. In this book, Jimmy Carter confirms things that I felt, but did not talk about much, because I thought that what I was feeling was a personal struggle. What I thought was just Republicans using buzz words to cover over their motivation towards money and power was also a takeover of the Party by an extremist agenda, paralleling a takeover within the Christian churches (Though Protestants and Catholics have different leaders, their hierarchies have moved a similar direction).

Jimmy Carter addresses many controversial issues in this book - science and religion, women's rights, human rights, civil rights, and foreign policy among them. He discusses historical positions and where we are headed with governmental policy. While this book was written in 2005, the issues are still relevant. In many ways, policies have not changed since then. It is a good discussion of governmental policy between 1995 and 2005, and sadly through 2012.

related-social values, Christianity and politics, church and state, United States politics and government, moral and ethical issues, human rights, foreign relations, religious fundamentalism
RL=YA-adult; adult book, but accessible to YA.

Our Neighbor Is a Strange, Strange Man by Tres Seymour. il Walter Lyon Krudop.
Orchard Books:: NY, 1999.

This is a humorous depiction of the thought processes of Melville Murrell from Tennessee as he worked out the details of his early flying machine. The illustrations are superb, and the viewpoint of the neighbors as he pursues his dream is amusing. The author's endnote sounds a little argumentative, though. Although it was a wonderful achievement, it is not difficult to see the Wright brothers' plane had more potential for practical application.

Palestine Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter.
Simon & Schuster: NY, 2006.

I remember, five to ten years back, learning of some of the behavior of Israelis toward the Palestinians and being shocked. Our culture is saturated with the idea that Arabs/Palestinians are hostile and unreasonable. I grew up with the concept of them as terrorists, period. With the knowledge that our government economically and militarily backs Israel. Imagine my surprise to finally learn that the United Nations, including the United States has consistently stated that Israel has been occupying land illegally since 1967. I knew of the Camp David Accords, led by Jimmy Carter as President, but not details. Imagine my surprise that it was agreed upon in the 1970s that those lands should be given back as the only way forward to peace and that Israel instead has continued to build more settlements all this time. They have also bulldozed homes and businesses of Palestinians, geographically isolated them and imprisoned them within their neighborhoods, not to mention military attacks. Does this sound like a people willing to work towards peace? Does this sound like a country we should be backing militarily?

In this book, Jimmy Carter describes his trips to the Middle East, from when he was Governor of Georgia through 2006. He also discusses his concern with the region and his communication with people of the whole area. After his Presidency, he formed the Carter Center which uses its influence to negotiate peacefully with those that otherwise might not be cooperative with each other. They oversee elections in those areas.

Jimmy Carter clarifies official US policy regarding Israel and Palestine in his book. He delineates the progression of peacekeeping gatherings, the setbacks, the growth of Palestinian leadership, and behavior of several key figures. He describes a picture of a more and more totalitarian relationship of Israeli leaders towards the Palestinians under their rule. In reading, I was struck by the difference between UN and US policy and our media and culture which seems to be only pro-Israel. Why the drastic difference? Why has the US government not acted in accordance with its policy statements? Why are we helping them to continue their oppression of Palestinians who live on land the UN says is legally Palestinian? I was impressed also by Carter's certainty that peace is possible in the region. A majority of people on both sides want it. A majority agree on necessary steps. He believes it likely will happen from within the contested areas and Israel.

The book is eye-opening and thought provoking. It would be ideal for a high school current events class. A good starting point on the issue, and then extend with periodicals and the internet to continue the timeline since 2006. Also, go further and learn how the states surrounding Israel are tied to wars the US has been involved in since the 1970s. It might also work for a nonfiction book club. The point would be to get some discussion going, rather than lectures, and maybe some problem solving brainstorming. Members of the group could bring articles to share. At the very least, it will encourage awareness of the issue instead of propaganda.

I have to say also that the predominant statements about Jimmy Carter as President have been negative. However, the more I read about him and from him, the more I think he was the best President in my lifetime. His unpopularity came from his facing the facts instead of pretending. Maybe also not going along with Big Business. He was called weak, but really he was striving for peace. That is not weak. It is intelligent and courageous. Far easier to give in to the nutcases that always push for war, who benefit from war. I would like to see more Presidents with his vision.

One thing I really like about Carter's writing is that it is accessible. It should be easily understood by young adults and interested middle schoolers.

related-Arab/Israeli conflict, peace, United States-foreign relations, Middle East-especially Israel, Jordan, Egypt, West Bank of Jordan River, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, politics and government, negotiations, United Nations resolutions, President Jimmy Carter

Peace: A Dream Unfolding ed by Penney Kome and Patrick Crean.
Sierra Club Books: San Francisco, 1986.

I came across this book many years ago when I was shelving books at my public library. I was curious about the name and noticed eye-catching graphics and other artwork. When I took it home to read it, I was astounded and determined that my children would read it when they became old enough to appreciate the importance of the contents.

The book is a little daunting. Much of the first third is dedicated to quotes and passages by known figures throughout history speaking out about the need to stop warring. Through time many reasons are given. The middle section deals with all aspects of nuclear energy, especially but not limited to nuclear weapons and the increased danger to the world regarding them. The last portion discusses organizations that have been active in limiting the dangers, the huge numbers of people who are concerned. So, it goes from a very hopeful beginning (though also intellectual) to the fear and utterly mind-blowing facts to hope again that we can act from a standpoint of awareness to end the fear and devastation, that there is more knowledge of the fact that we have no choice but to end it.

What is astounding to me is how much of the information I had no clue about. Very little is broached in history classes, and most of it is not common knowledge. Being from the generation after the Vietnam War, I thought that our country had learned its lesson (obviously not). In the 1980s, there was much activism against both nuclear weapons and nuclear power generation. As a result, the public knew the seriousness of the hazards (although we were still missing important information), and plants were closed. Maybe I just assumed that our citizens were more aware than they actually are. Imagine my surprise when I heard President Bush talking about making "usable" nuclear weapons. Imagine my outrage when my Senator wrote in a response to my concern that it was okay if we spent millions of dollars to research building the weapons since they hadn't agreed to actually use them yet. Dumb and dumber.

This is why I feel the book is so important. It states in no uncertain terms the things that all humans need to know about nuclear weapons. It describes Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a way that cannot fail to reach people. It also states that the public reason for those bombings was nonexistent. Our government ordered the dropping of those bombs knowing Japan was ready to surrender. To me this means no government can be trusted with the power of these weapons. None.

I am reading the book for the second time, and it is as powerful today as it was years ago. I guarantee that this subject will not be addressed fully in curriculums. I know that it is disturbing, but if we are to safeguard our future, we cannot leave it in the hands of politicians and the military complex. There is too much money wrapped up in the whole deal for politicians to care about what is best for the world or even our homeland. Only pressure from people of the world (us) will influence nuclear policy.

related-peace, nuclear weapons and war, nuclear energy and accidents, nuclear disarmament, environmental hazards

A People's History of the American Revolution: How Common People Shaped the Fight for Independence
by Ray Raphael.
The New Press: NY, 2001.

My youngest son is high school age now. I wish I had had this book year ago when the other two were studying history. (One still does on his own.) It is a truer depiction of the American Revolution than most in our country will ever encounter.

I disagree with the way history is taught in American schools. I have never seen a textbook that has enough depth to say that any category was sufficiently covered. Further, American history has surface dressing for years through elementary, and a little more in middle school, to the point that when the students are finally capable of understanding the complexity of events, they are thoroughly sick of the subject. Unless they happen to have a fantastic teacher or are exposed to an unusual source, they no longer care. Consequently, our people are ignorant in the subject of history and have little desire to read historical books. I would, instead, have a textbook as a summary to be used only as a starting point. I would also have a running list of books that are accessible (maturity-wise and physically through libraries and other sources), a recommendation list broken down by time periods or subjects. I would require that a certain number of books be read, but some flexibility is required to ensure continued interest. Not everyone has the same interests. Accessibility, exposure and guidance are important in education, but we do not all require the exact same education, nor will we retain the same knowledge when exposed to it. It is more important to stress the fundamentals of learning, so that students (all people) will continue to search and learn beyond the classroom. There should be discussion groups in class (one-on-one discussion if homeschooled). Discussion and writing are how you determine if the students are reading and understanding. History is fascinating! But, truthfully, it wasn't until I was reading on my own that I really believed that.

This book would definitely be on my list. It shows different viewpoints regarding war and separation. It shows war as a nasty business and the ruthlessness of the times. There is no sugarcoating, and there shouldn't be. Schools are teaching such a whitewashing, no wonder our people have such a skewed concept of what war is. All wars, in reality, destroy the areas where they take place. All become civil violence, no matter the starting. This book also shows that this revolution was also a civil war, with the conclusion of opposing citizens forced to leave or be executed. Some of the things I knew or inferred from other readings. This book has details I would never have guessed about. It is very clear about the hostility and devastation that took place. Many sources are letters and newspapers.

An interesting fiction/nonfiction partnering would be this book and The Spy by James Fenimore Cooper, which also shows the civil disagreement and pillaging for supplies. I read another book after this one which picks up where this one leaves off, The First Presidential Contest: 1796 and the Founding of American Democracy by Jeffrey L. Pasley. It also will be on my recommended list. It discusses the rocky beginnings of the new government - the popular dissatisfaction with new legislation and treaties and the impact that the French Revolution was having on that transition period. There was and is disagreement about how much the people should be allowed to influence governmental decisions. This transition is a period glossed over in school. All the more reason to read about it!

related-American Revolutionary War, 18th century, American colonies, civil war, Native Americans, slavery, economic conditions, land speculation, land and property
RL=adult, accessible to YA

The Power of One: Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine by Judith Bloom Fradin & Dennis Brindell Fradin.
Clarion Books/Houghton Mifflin Company: NY, 2004

Daisy Bates co-published the newspaper, State Press in Little Rock, Arkansas. Because of their leadership against racial violence and injustice, Mrs. Bates became Arkansas' president of the NAACP in 1957. She guided the "Little Rock Nine" in their struggles to integrate Central High and sought to protect them from the worst of the violence.

This book follows her life-her childhood, her motivations, her involvement in the State Press, her activism, and of course, the struggle revolving around Central High and the consequences of being involved.

Nothing I have read before has so thoroughly depicted the abuse that these people suffered. I've seen short clips on TV and brief descriptions from books. Mostly the big protests are discussed-not 1 1/2 to 2 years of day to day verbal and physical abuse (some of that while National Guardsmen and teachers watched). I cannot fathom how there could be so much hatred that students could attack other students repeatedly on a day to day basis with no retaliation from the victims. In the book there is a well-known picture of Elizabeth Eckford facing the mob alone. I wonder about the girl behind her with such hatred captured on her face.

Quest for a King: Searching for the Real King Arthur by Catherine M. Andronik.
Atheneum/Macmillan Publishing Company: NY, 1989.

This is the first source I read regarding the documentation of a real Arthur in British history-although from the 6th century A.D. not medieval times and as a general instead of King of all England. Conflicting information is presented, so obviously some of the facts are only claims. It is intriguing to see the possible connections between local legends, British/Welsh history, and the King Arthur stories. The author sites Geoffrey Ashe and Leslie Alcock as the foremost authorities on Arthur.

related-King Arthur, history of Arthurian romances, British antiquities, Anglo-Saxons, Celts, kings & rulers

Race: A History Beyond Black and White by Marc Aronson.
Ginee Seo Books/Atheneum Books for Young Readers/Simon & Schuster: NY, 2007.

There could not be a better time for an honest discussion of racism. Aronson maps out a history of the idea, plus preceding prejudices. He says his view is controversial, but that is not surprising considering the charged nature of the issue. I hope that people will read and discuss this book. I hope in the coming months people will take a hard and honest look at how easy it is to be influenced by prejudiced and hateful dialogue and learn to be more objective.

I think this book is important right now, because I strongly believe Barack Obama will be a great President, if given the chance. However, I also have a heavy dose of realism, even cynicism. I grew up in Texas, so I have no doubt the primary focus of McCain's campaign will be racism. It is the only way he could win, and it will be nasty. I do believe times are bad enough that Obama's grasp of what is needed, his message of hope, and his ability to ignore what is petty and stick to the issues may prevail. When given the choice between the hatred and cronyism of the Bush agenda (McCain has become no more than a parrot or puppet) and the chance to really fix some of our country's growing list of crises (not just talk about them), what do you think people will choose?

Obama's speaking and graciousness is reminiscent of Martin Luther King, Jr. But he reminds me even more of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln also spoke directly to the people. He was a popular candidate, with little experience, who won the nomination despite his Party insiders' distrust of him. He also took office during a time of great stress and exhibited wisdom beyond his years (I'll take wisdom over experience, anytime). We need this now, and I hope people will not let racism determine our future.

Raggin' Jazzin' Rockin': A History of American Musical Instrument Makers by Susan VanHecke.
Boyds Mills Press: Honesdale, PA, 2011.

The title sort of says it all. The book focuses on eight huge names in music-making. Within each company there were one or more people who revolutionized a part of the industry. At least one of those names, Steinway, was so prevalent at one time that most people knew of them. Their stories are also linked to historic times, such as the beginnings of jazz, life under a 17th century Sultan, and 19th century German guilds. Famous musicians who played the instruments are also featured.

This is an exciting collection of histories. The entries are short with some excellent pictures. It is accessible to 4th graders, yet fascinating to all ages. I particulary like the mix of historic times with the more biographical information.

While I have heard of most of the manufacturers, I did not know most of the histories. Besides the business startups, a general understanding of the instruments is conveyed along with the innovative ideas.

related-musical instrument makers, development and progression of musical instruments, United States history, high interest
RL=4th and up

Rebuild the Dream by Van Jones.
Nation Books/Perseus Books Group: NY, 2012.

Van Jones is a former special advisor to the Obama Administration regarding green jobs. He was appointed because of his work within cities providing jobs for unskilled workers while implementing green renovation and other ecological services. After resigning as advisor, he worked to found the grassroots organization Rebuild the Dream. He also wrote The Green Collar Economy.

In Rebuild the Dream, Van Jones compares three movements: Obama's presidential campaign, The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. He discusses the hope that people had with Obama's election and why it fell short. He discusses the importance of the Tea Party, how it has been successful. He talks about why Occupy Wall Street resonated with millions of people and how it can move forward, participating in the needed changes for our economy.

The organization Rebuild the Dream was growing before the initial protests. They were a fledgling group. It has a platform called the Contract for the American Dream with ten points to follow for strengthening the middle class, to reestablish the dream that has been at the heart of our country for so long. The points are included in the book as well as at RebuildTheDream.com. As the group supported the Occupy movement, Jones believes their organization can support the movers of Occupy in becoming a greater part of the political and electoral dialogue. Rebuild the Dream networks with other grassroots organizations in support of rebuilding our economy. Several miscellaneous measures are discussed as necessary for improving the economy.

Like Van Jones, I was not a part of the Occupy movement, but my heart was totally with them. When the media kept harping about their lack of agenda, I thought about the many obvious reasons they were protesting and that it was enough for them to force people to look at the problems. I knew that they were standing for the same things I believed. It was heartbreaking to see the city authorities' responses. Even more upsetting was Washington's wish to pretend it wasn't happening or there wasn't justification. I also want to see the many issues addressed. I hope that this will be back front and center at election time, with no politician able to hide from the demands of our people. Ideally, there would be some progress before then, but I'm not counting on it. I am looking forward to the impact that the millennial generation could make on United States policies, and I hope many of them will read this book.

related-United States, social and economic conditions, 21st century, politics, government, political participation, social movements, protest movements
RL=7th-adult, adult book but accessible to YARestless Spirit: The Life and Work of Dorothea Lange by Elizabeth Partridge.
Viking Press/Penguin Group:NY, 1998.

Written by the daughter of Dorothea Lange's apprentice, colleague, and friend, the biography is an account of homelessness and poverty during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the imprisonment of Japanese Americans during World War II, and the San Francisco shipyards during the 1940s. It is also a documentation of the difficulties of trying to have a great, meaningful career and care for a family as well. I have known few people who could do both well-at the same time.

Dorothea Lange was an incredible photographer, but she lived at a time when the mother was expected to be the caregiver. She was torn between her work and her family. In the beginning of her career, most of her time and energy was spent on caretaking. As she became more of a photographer (a field photographer), she pulled away from her family. I believe this is an issue that many women are forced to agonize over.

Dorothea Lange was a smart, strong woman with an amazing life. The documentation is enlightening about subjects that are not covered well in history classes, and I think it is a positive thing for teenagers to learn about the balance of career and family life-instead of waiting until they have babies to figure out what to do. We are not all meant to make the same choices, but it is good to have an idea of what to expect.

Also, most of the pictures were taken by Dorothea Lange herself. Some quite beautiful pictures.

Riding Freedom by Pam Muñoz Ryan. il Brian Selznick.
Scholastic Press: NY, 1998.

In Ryan's fictionalized account, a girl runs away from an orphanage/workhouse, dresses as a boy in order to work with the horses she loves, becomes one of the best stagecoach drivers, moves to California as a pioneer, and becomes possibly the first woman to vote in the United States (dressed as a man). The story is based on the life of Charley (Charlotte) Parkhurst who lived as a male most of her life. In the beginning, she was afraid of being sent back to the orphanage. Then, she knew she could lose the right to work at her chosen profession. So, few knew she was a female before she died.

The story focuses on Charlotte's relationship with the horses, her desire to control her own life, her learning experiences as a stagecoach driver, and her joy in the work she was doing. Her story is an excellent example of independence and hard work. Ryan tells the story of this strong-willed woman in a real and heartwarming way.

The illustrations in this book are nice, gentle, realistic and detailed, and have a historical feel. However, most of them are not as striking as in the other books Selznick illustrated. The pictures are less integrated, but there is less of a need for that since the story is well developed (keeping the interest of older children better).

related-Charley Parkhurst, 1879, mistaken identity, history of California, tending and driving horses, women's rights, independence, freedom, friendship, transitional books, chapter books

The Saga of Lewis & Clark: Into the Uncharted West by Thomas Schmidt and Jeremy Schmidt.
Tehabi Books/DK Publishing, Inc: NY, 1999.

This is an awe-inspiring recounting of the Lewis & Clark Expedition including excerpts from the journals of the expedition's members, pictures and descriptions of artifacts, topographical maps and gorgeous photographs of the landscape. The 2 authors (a historian and a naturalist) retraced the charted routes before creating the book.

The Seasons Sewn: A Year in Patchwork by Ann Whitford Paul. il Michael McCurdy.
Browndeer Press/Harcourt Brace & Company: NY, 1996.

This book is much like Eight Hands Round by Ann Whitford Paul. It also describes historical themes in relation to patchwork squares and their names. They are different patterns, since there are so many from which to choose, and they are presented based on seasons of the year. Many of the patterns are more difficult than in the other book. As in the other, the patterns are shown first as squares, and then repeated squares for maximum effect. The illustrations in The Seasons Sewn are more precise and much more detailed. I love the historical information and the presentation. I can't wait to try some of the patterns myself.

related-patchwork quilts, quilting patterns, frontier and pioneer life, United States history, seasons of the year
RL=2nd-4th, read aloud with preK-1st, could be used for elementary history

She Sang Promise: The Story of Betty Mae Jumper, Seminole Tribal Leader. by Jan Godown Annino. il by Lisa Desimini.
National Geographic Society: Washington, D.C., 2010.

The story starts lyrically, describing the tribal community in which Betty Mae Jumper was raised, with a traditional Native American storytelling style. The illustrations are vibrant and rich with a similar, dreamy feel to them. The story moves quickly towards a more biographical tone.

I had not heard about Betty Mae Jumper before, despite her achievements and awards. She grew up in a tribal community in Florida in the 1920s, begged to be allowed to go to school, and because of her multilingual abilities was able to bring medical treatment to Native Americans in Florida. She became a tribal leader in the 1960s and co-started a Seminole newspaper. Despite her obvious age, she also uses the internet. She sounds like an amazing woman and more informatoion can be found through the book and www.semtribe.com and seminolenation.com.

related-history of Seminole Indians, Native Americans, Florida, nursing, Big Cypress Swamp

Ship by David Macaulay.
Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, 1993.

Macaulay uses narration and journal form to blend stories of marine life, archaeology and shipbuilding. The presentation is fictional, but it is almost entirely based on archaeological and historical information. The subject is the building and recovery of 15th century sailing ships.
related-caravels, underwater archaeology, shipwrecks, antiquities, exploration

Signing Their Lives Away: The Fame and Misfortune of the Men Who Signed The Declaration of Independence by Denise Kiernan and Joseph D'Agnese.
Quirk Books: Philadelphia, 2009.
Distributed by Chronicle Books, San Francisco.

To my knowledge this is the first book for youth which gives biographies for each signer of The Declaration of Independence. There are some adult versions, and they are listed in the bibliography. Each short bio is headed with a personal designation, some funny or odd, and the signers are in order by states and geographic regions. Though some of the profiles are almost blurb length, the book is a little long due to the number of signers. However, it can be read in segments, enjoyed leisurely, due to the structure of the book. You can even skip around, reading the accounts that promise to be more interesting or important.

The significance of the book is primarily background information for the American Revolution. More than most juvenile books it seriously delves into the whole period - the factors leading to the conflict, the concerns of people from different backgrounds, the consequences for the decisions they made personally, the importance of the work of more people than you would normally hear, a better idea of the number of people involved in the Revolution (history classes only point out a few), plus significant events. The book also underscores the magnitude of the decision to sign The Declaration, given that until this point most of the colonies had not committed to breaking away from England. Not only were the men handpicked in their colonies for representation, but their signatures were a written record that singled them out for any retribution by the Crown. Their actions were a hanging offense.

This anecdotal style brings history to life, making it enjoyable while learning. Books like this are my preferred sources for teaching history. They have all the info you get from text books plus personal accounts which make history a more real experience. The more a student (of whatever age) enjoys the process, the more the mind is engaged. This form of learning leads also to the study (and ideally discussion) of philosophical questions which are necessary for progression of mankind - whether the nature of the subject is social, spiritual, economical, etc.

Many of the signers went on to fill positions in the new levels of government, state and federal. Whether that is due to the positions they already held or because they had already "signed their lives away" would be difficult to determine but interesting to consider. Many also have descendants that are well-known, more than I would have thought.

related-American history, colonial period of the United States, colonies of Britain, British empire

Snow Falling in Spring: Coming of Age in China During the Cultural Revolution by Moying Li.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux: NY, 2008.

Moying Li was twelve at the start of the Cultural Revolution. She attended a prestigious international language school. Everything changed, however, when student Red Guards denounced her teachers, administrators and other students. Public humiliations and arrests became the norm.

The beating of her headmasters was the last straw, and she retreated to her home. On arrival, she found her grandmother, with whom she had lived as a child, denounced, the house ransacked and books taken or destroyed, and her father forcibly removed. Her mother earlier had been forced to teach at a school far removed from their home.

The next decade was chaotic. She managed to avoid being sent to a labor camp, but some relatives and friends were not as lucky. After a few years, she was able to return to school, but with restrictive conditions. She continued to study on her own with a mentor, retired and forgotten by officials.

Moying Li has written about frightening times in a way that is not totally depressing and hopeless. She was fortunate in the progression of her own life, though she was ravaged by misfortune and fear throughout the Cultural Revolution.

Moying Li's story is a tiny piece of history in, for me, unknown territory. I grew up during this period also, when China cut itself off from the West and the Communist scare was still fresh in the minds of adults (though she is a little older than me). Little news was given then or since, and it is hard to know what is real or propaganda. I am struck by the gentleness and love of the Chinese people I have met. It does not fit with the image portrayed those long years ago. So, naturally, I would like to know more. How much has China changed since the end of the Revolution? How many of the students who came to study in the U.S. or other Western countries went back to live in China?

related-personal narratives, People's Republic of China-history, Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward, Mao Zedong, communism, coming of age, secret reading club

The Solitude of Self: Thinking About Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Vivian Gornick.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux: NY, 2005.

I read The Solitude of Self (Gornick), because I was looking for biographical material regarding Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Gornick says in the bibliography that the book is not a "work of scholarship." I don't know if I totally agree with that statement. She has done a fair amount of research, and she clearly portrays Stanton's work towards, and thinking and frustration regarding, women's rights. The book is short, not a long dissertation. It also does not cloak the passion of the author. But it does give me the view of Stanton that I was searching for. It also makes me want to read further, including some of Stanton's writings - a mark of good biographical material.

The author's purpose was to explain her own feminist experience and compare it with that of Stanton. Through this brief view of Stanton's life, focusing primarily on the long period of her activism on behalf of women, I learned things I didn't know (ex. that Stanton was responsible for The Woman's Bible, which was still controversial in the 1970s and that the movement started well before the Civil War).

I think this would be a good starting point for young adults and others looking for information on Stanton's importance in the movement, an understanding of the movement itself, and cultural factors impeding progress. There is more biographical information in the book than I expected to find. The book was written for adults, but is brief and accessible to young adults.

related-Elizabeth Cady Stanton, women's rights and suffrage, feminists, social activism

Stitchin' and Pullin': a Gee's Bend Quilt by Patricia c. McKissack. il Cozbi A. Cabrera.
Random House: NY, 2008.

Stitchin' and Pullin' is told through poems in the voice of a young girl whose turn has come to make her first quilt. She tells of the generations of the Gee's Bend quilters and of her experience of listening to the women's conversation and wisdom as she played beneath the quilting frame and later was put to work threading needles and cutting scraps. She tells of the scraps saved from old clothes with their memories attached and the symbolism of the pieces she chooses for her quilt. For example, family incidences and important historical moments or mentors. She tells what goes into the making of the quilt: colors; balance; meaning; hours of love, labor and fellowship. She also tells of the anticipation she feels waiting and hoping for the project to be finished.

Gee's Bend, Alabama is an African American community where quilting has been a tradition for centuries. Up until the Depression of the 1930s, their community was separate (a sharecropping community on an island in a river), their quilting not noticed. They started to receive attention, because the style of the quilting was different, not influenced by quilters of other communities. Nowadays, some of their old quilts hang in museums, and they sell quilts in the traditional style.

As a quilter myself, I am drawn to stories about quilts. They are, to me, an amazing art form, and so much of people's lives go into the creation of them.

The story is told in a comprehensive and loving way. It holds the awe that I feel regarding quilts and the complexity of the subject. Also included is a family history of the girl, struggles of the community, and the striving for justice and civil rights. I particularly like the choices of fabric and the girl's explanations for them. The illustrations are lovely. Of course, filled with quilt pictures but also family, community, and history. The illustrations are bright and impressionistic, incorporating the description of the girl's quilting choices.

This picture book is for an older than normal audience. It can be used for appreciation of art or civil rights and family history studies. Younger children will need to share it with an adult.

related-quilting, African Americans, family life, Gee's Bend, Alabama, community life
RL=2nd-5th, read aloud K-5th

Supergrandpa by David M. Schwartz. il. Bert Dodson.
Lothrop, Lee, & Shepard Books: NY, 1991.

This book tells about Gustaf Hakansson, a 66-year-old man who finished first in the 1951 Sverige Loppet (Tour of Sweden, the longest bicycle race in the history of Sweden) even though the judges refused to allow his registration due to his age.
RL=1st-3rd and read aloud

Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt by Deborah Hopkinson. il James Ransome.
Alfred A. Knopf: NY, 1993.

Clara becomes a seamstress on the plantation, because she's not strong enough to keep picking cotton. She is separated from her mother by slavery and dreams of reuniting and running to freedom. She overhears two slaves discussing the Underground Railroad and their desire for a map. Clara draws a map in the dirt of all she can see from a hilltop and starts to create a quilt based on her drawing. She also collects descriptions from others who have traveled around more of the region to add to the quilt. When Clara is ready to leave, she leaves the quilt behind as a map for others to use.

I like the use of the quilt in this story. It takes center stage, though the book is more about slavery and fugitives than quilts. Regarding African-American history, quilts are usually discussed as marking safe houses along the Underground Railroad and as depicting the stories of a certain family, or as with anyone else the need to produce economical blankets. I love the idea of the quilt as a map - the brilliance of the girl's idea, the artistry in her process, and her leaving the quilt for others to follow.

The paintings are a strong partner to a great story.

I also want to note that the background story has details about slavery, the time period, and local life that put the story in perspective.

This is Deborah Hopkinson's first picture book.

related-slavery, quilts, maps, Underground Railroad
RL=1st-3rd, could be used in classes up through 5th gradeTalking Peace: A Vision for the Next Generation by Jimmy Carter.
Dutton Children's Books/Penguin Books USA Inc: NY, 1993.

Obviously there have been some changes since it has been more than a decade since publication. However, the things that cause wars remain the same. The needs of people all over the world remain the same. The necessity of learning to live without waging war is as important as it has ever been. Our lives are more intertwined globally than ever before, and if we are to avoid global war, we must develop a greater degree of respect for others. Our culture, for the most part, does not encourage that respect.

We are given countless reasons to start or fund wars. They are rarely fought for the reasons given. Usually it has something to do with profit not necessity. It is important that people understand that there will always be reasons to fight and even kill. It takes a stronger and wiser person to stop it from happening or continuing.

The Teenagers' Guide to School Outside the Box by Rebecca Greene.
Free Spirit Publishing Inc: Minneapolis, MN, 2001.

The book explores exciting opportunities and learning experiences for teens who want more than the standard experience. The author discusses volunteer work, classes (from colleges, universities, and community programs), internships apprenticeships, and travel. As a homeschool teacher, I believe these are the kinds of learning opportunites of which all teens should be taking advantage when possible. They help people to grow personally as well as give them valuable work experience and knowledge. They can be highly interesting and fun, and they are a key to why homeschooling is so successful.

Ten Queens: Portraits of Women of Power by Milton Meltzer. il Bethanne Andersen.
Dutton Children's Books/Penguin Putnam Inc: NY, 1998.

This interesting and informative book is for all-not just girls. It spans many periods and describes customs that are quite different from our own.

All of the queens chosen except Esther actually ruled their people whether or not they had kings beside them. The fact that they were women brought a distinctive perspective to their roles as leaders. They all used their power or influence to make improvements in their people's lives. Yet, they were not always benevolent.

I included the illustrator here because her bold and emotional oil paintings add to the strength and appeal of the book.
RL=5th-YAThree Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin. adapted by Sarah Thomson.
Dial Books for Young Readers/Penguin Group: NY, 2009.

It isn't often that I read a nonfiction book that is as gripping as Three Cups of Tea. Greg Mortenson was on a mission to do one great thing as a thank you to the village that saved his life in the mountains of Baltistan, Pakistan. A lost mountain climber, he stumbled into the remote village of Korphe. He was nurtured and welcomed as a guest until he was strong enough to find his way home. Noticing the children at their lessons, drawing in the dirt and sitting in the cold, he promised the village chief he would be back one day to build a school.

Returning to America with little money, he got a job and proceeded to raise funds by writing letters to celebrities. After receiving only one check, he talked to a fellow mountain climber who published an article about Greg's mission in a newsletter for climbing enthusiasts. One man gave him the money he needed to start. From there, the process was slow going, but he eventually built his school, with many obstacles. His benefactor persuaded the American Himalayan Foundation (the group responsible for the newsletter) to support Greg's work. With his success, a foundation (Central Asia Institute) was started to build more schools, with Greg as the director.

This book is about an ordinary person determined to fulfill a promise. His goal might not seem so extravagant, but difficulties arose regarding the geography of the village (lack of bridge and seasonal roads), lack of personal money, the necessity of people of different cultures communicating with each other, and the growing unrest in Pakistan regarding Americans. Besides the project of building the first school and others, Greg's interaction (friendship) with the villagers and other contacts is detailed. Though the villagers lived mostly secluded from the world outside, Greg learned much from them, including patience and the need to use trusted locals instead of walking into an unknown place without support.

I like the story for not only its adventure and integrity, but also the relationships between Greg and others. I also really like that it is biographical. I strongly believe that our people need to be more focused on doing good, real things and less on making money. I believe that is how America has lost its way, the money factor. I also do believe that building schools and other needed projects are what ends war and hatred not the conquering of "enemies."

On a side note, CAI also founded a group called Pennies for Peace to teach students about Pakistan and Afghanistan and to promote education in remote areas.

related-schools, hospitality, heroes, charity, philanthropist, nonprofit organizations, peace, Pakistan, friendship
RL=6th & up

There is also an adult version of Three Cups of Tea and picture book Listen to the Wind.

Tricking the Tallyman: The Great Census Shenanigans of 1790 by Jacqueline Davies. il S. D. Schindler.
Alfred A. Knopf/Random House: NY, 2009.

First of all, I love the name of the book. It feels great on the tongue.

The story is a very funny depiction of the first census of the United States. A town is counted three times. The first time, hiding the citizens, hoping to minimize the taxes they will be required to pay. The second time, dressing up animals as people, hoping to gain greater representation in the federal government. The third time is a charm, as the citizens have learned the full purpose of the census and are willing to cooperate.

There is a good balance between the historical and humorous. The focus is on the difficulty of the tallyman's job. A tiny aspect of history is spotlighted. Though tiny, it was an important event. I can imagine shenanigans such as this really did occur, given the avoidance of taxes (a constant fact) and participation in the militia. Makes one wonder if shenanigans are still going on with the census.

There is a brief discussion of the United States census at the end, including the tally then and the last one in the year 2000.

One of the best picture books I've seen published this year.

related-census, demographic surveys and studies, United States history, Vermont, United States Constitution, 1789-1809, developing a new country, humorous stories
RL=1st-2nd, use for elementary history classes

Truce by Jim Murphy.
Scholastic Press: NY, 2009.
What would happen, I wonder, if the armies suddenly and simultaneously went on strike and said some other method must be found of settling the dispute?
wrote Winston Churchill to his wife November 23, 1914. This is how Murphy starts Truce regarding a spontaneous ceasefire agreed upon by the soldiers, both German and Allied along the Western Front, during World War I. The time was Christmas the same year after months of unproductive battling in the trenches and the No Man's Land in between them. In spots, the soldiers were near enough to listen to conversations of the enemy (or Christmas carols). It was only a matter of time before they started to see each other as people instead of the enemy, despite the efforts of military command.

I have heard of this incident before. It was explained as Christmas fellowship, but after reading Truce, I believe it was more than that. The Front stretched longer than I knew and so did the truce. The details Murphy includes make it clear that the soldiers had had enough, most of them, and they wanted the war to stop. Some of them realized it was pointless, some that they had been lied to and used. The wonder to me is that after that experience they could go back to brutally killing each other, for 4 more years. It was a fleeting moment of peace and truth.

I'm glad there are some authors like Murphy who can sift through the endless battling of history to point out events such as this. The wars (American Revolution, WWI and WWII specifically) were the reasons I had little interest in history before college. This is an incident worth remembering and broadcasting, with the hope that other soldiers will dare to go against their ruthless orders for the good of mankind as well, with the belief that all men have the ability within themselves to ascertain whether the cause is worth the price, even after they have a contract with the military, with the understanding that the government can be wrong (and often is).

related-Christmas truce 1914, World War I, Western Front-France, European history, armistices, ceasefire, peace
RL=6th and up, looks like it might have been targeted for younger but because of content I wouldn't give to younger unless the person has a specific interest.

Two Billion Cars: Driving Toward Sustainability by Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon.
Oxford University Press: NY, 2009.

Sperling and Gordon are in the thick of creating energy policy for the world's future. They have together written a comprehensive analysis of the situation today and possibilities - and even necessities - that will put the world on track toward energy sustainability, concentrating on transportation. The discussion starts with what California has done to lead the way, and what they plan to do. Options are described in detail along with the policies that are likely to be implemented in the U.S. A chapter focuses on China, because they are in a unique position in which startup companies can develop innovative products and ideas cheaply, and the hope is that their accomplishments in the transportation field will spread globally. The book explains not just vehicles and fuels but also behavior and practices that can lead to more energy efficiency, a cleaner environment, and a robust economy.

I appreciate such a thorough examination of the transportation issues. I, like many others, want very much for a sustainable transportation culture to be created, but have little concept of how it will come to be. I would like to invest in alternative industry for my own use and in support of our future as a whole (country, world), but given the economic situation in our country, we have little money to invest - even when it comes to buying a vehicle or updating our heating system. Because of the state of our economy, I do not think the authors' suggestion that we have a gasoline price floor of $4 is a good idea. When gas reached this price in 2008, it hurt many families. Those families cannot make alternative choices because of the expense. Even when gas was only at $2, it was driving inflation that I believe was a major factor (though not publicly noted) in the mortgage crisis. A price floor was discussed in the 1990s as well and dismissed, because it was thought to be political suicide. I do think the carbon budgeting is an idea with great merit, partly because it would push people to educate themselves about alternatives, and partly because they could make choices that are not only extra expenses. I also like the possibilities of the new mobility options. I have seen some, such as the Zipcar. I'm hoping to see more, such as small vehicles more flexible than bus systems and bus fleets that behave similar to rail traffic with more flexibility.

There are a couple important points that were left out. In the discussion of why the price of oil was so high, the author mentioned that the Big Oil (Western) companies refused to invest their excess profit due to investments in the 1980s not panning out. Instead, they decided to hand 40% of the profits to the shareholders. Left out of the discussion was that U.S. citizens were told that the price was tied to the stock value, with an increased buying of stock because the companies were paying higher dividends.

In discussion of the Prius as an icon, it was noted that customers were buying the Prius symbolically, as a social statement both about themselves and as a message to automakers and the public - a message about being socially and environmentally conscious and about breaking the oil companies' hold on us. Most did not buy the car to save money, because the accrued amount saved per gallon was less than the higher price tag (at least it was with gas $2 per gallon) - especially when compared to cars similar in size such as the Corolla and the Civic (though the Prius is slightly roomier). Two things not mentioned in this discussion are that the Prius was the first alternative vehicle that could be used as a family car while being close to what an average family could afford and that consumers hoped that the Prius was a step again toward mass marketing electric vehicles for families. I believe the key to success with electric vehicles will be the mass marketing of family cars. Until an automaker does this, success will be limited. Toyota is no longer looking like the company to do it; they are too comfortable in their lead spot today. Tesla Motors may be the next possibility, though they may not be ready for mass marketing. Possibly another company to watch is Nissan, as Arizona is experimenting with charging stations to be used with Nissan cars. Nissan may be looking to go electric in a big way, since it would propel them up to the level of Toyota and Honda. I found the discussion of Chinese entrepreneurs regarding small vehicles interesting, as that is also a sector from where the electric vehicles in the near future could spring (providing the Big Three is not able to shut them out of the U.S. market).

related-future of energy and transportation, automobiles, alternative fuel vehicles, motor fuels, fuel consumption, environmental issues
RL=YA-adult, written for adults

Under the Quilt of Night by Deborah Hopkinson. il James Ransome.
Atheneum Books for Young Readers/Simon & Schuster: NY, 2001.

A young slave girl leads her loved ones as they run from slavery. Running through the night, crouching behind bushes through the day. She sees a quilt that might designate a safe house on the Underground Railroad and bravely goes forward to knock. The group hides at the house and is helped the rest of the way to freedom.

I remember years ago being struck by the beauty and strength of the poetic prose and the paintings. The illustrations are vivid (though dark tones) and dramatic, depicting the danger, caution, courage, and determination of the circumstances. Despite the dark situation, there is a strong sense of hope in the book. The whole presentation is beautiful. You can't pick a better book for the feeling of what it would be like to be hunted and racing to freedom.

The connection to quilts is loose. The quilt is a metaphor for the night, and fugitives' success hinges on whether the quilt is interpreted correctly (or if the quilt is actually a signal or not). A seemingly small detail which is all important. The end pages are of the quilt as well.

related-Underground Railroad, slavery, fugitive slaves, Afro-Americans, quilts, United States history
RL=2nd-5th, I would definitely use for classes up through 5th, publisher recommends for ages 5-10

Unsettled: The Problem of Loving Israel by Marc Aronson.
Atheneum Books for Young Readers/Simon & Schuster: NY, 2008.

The Israeli Palestinian Conflict, it has been at the forefront of American politics (world politics) most of my life. Most of that time I remained ignorant about it, because I don't understand how people can live all of their lives with the willingness to kill others. I hate war, and I think war is stupid. It seems to me somewhere along the line of their history they could have tried to see the other's point-of-view. (Some, in fact, did.) In recent years, I have learned there is no avoiding this issue. It needs to be settled - in a manner that addresses both sides' losses. Maybe I have this understanding, because I am not personally religious. But does it make sense that the more religious a person is the more he/she seems to think killing the other side is okay?

In his book, Aronson discusses the founding of Israel, the driving forces behind its growth and strength, key points in the Israeli Palestinian Conflict, and reasons for the willingness to allow it to continue. I commend Aronson's exploration of this topic. Hardened views are the standard on this issue, igniting heated conversations, fierce arguments, and prejudicial feelings. Difficult questions are involved, such as: What kind of Israel should exist (a Jewish or democratic state)? and Does Israel have a moral obligation to the non-Jews living in Israel and those that fled when Israel conquered their lands? As a Christian child, I was taught that Israel was right and deserved all of our (the US) support and Palestinians were bad people - this despite being born only one year before Israel conquered much of the Arabs' land. Obviously, the issue is more complicated than that.

Aronson approaches the questions as an American Jew with family living in Israel. I thank him for opening a conversation regarding Israel. It is a conversation that needs to be continued until a peaceful settlement can be reached. I also thank him, because I understand the situation better myself now.

related-founding and history of Israel, Palestine, Jews, Arabs, Zionism and Zionists, democracy, theocracy, military occupation, Gaza, West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, Jerusalem, socialism, kibbutz

Walt Whitman: Words for America by Barbara Kerley. il Brian Selznick.
Scholastic Press: NY, 2004.

Kerley and Selznick make such an excellent team! The text and illustrations capture the spirit of Whitman and of the country in a time of great growth and excitement. What it must have been like to experience the bustle of New York City during that time period! (Yes, it bustles now, too-but then it was a time when you could see people at work and building in a more personal way. Now, it is mostly people coming and going). I love the discussion of Walt Whitman's printing and writing experience. The words and pictures are full of excitement about Whitman's profession.

I have long heard of Whitman's desire to be the poetic representative of America. It was very effective to focus the story on Whitman's nursing of the soldiers during the Civil War and his grieving for the soldiers and country-his grieving mirroring that of President Lincoln's.

Another feature I think is excellent is the notes of the author and illustrator about their influences, research, and experiences while creating the work.

The illustrations in the book are some of Selznick's best.

One of the things Whitman writes is "I love the President personally." Despite being far removed from Lincoln's time, I have also felt this way. When I read this statement, I immediately thought of one I feel that way about now, too. I believe Barack Obama will be President, because he is the politician who seems to totally understand what is going on and where our country should be heading. He, like Lincoln did, is attempting to hold honest discussions of how we can move forward. I'm frustrated and irritated by the Clintons' dogged determination to have their way when our country so obviously needs something different. Their methods seem to me to be more of the same political nonsense that our people have been tired of sense the early 90s.

related-Walt Whitman, United States history, medical care during the Civil war, American poets, biography, nurses, Abraham Lincoln, printing and writing

War Is . . . ed by Marc Aronson and Patty Campbell.
Candlewick Press: Cambridge, MA: 2008.

Aronson and Campbell have compiled fiction and nonfiction by soldiers, survivors, and storytellers. Most of the entries are remembrances of people who were immersed in a war, several different wars. Aronson again is addressing a subject most people don't want to look at honestly. Soldiers and survivors have no choice in the matter. So here is their chance to talk in a place where, hopefully, young people will listen.

I have to say I have mixed feelings about this book. I think it is important, but I also disagree strongly with some of the sentiments. For ex. I cringe at some of the reasons given for soldiers being in war. But I also do believe more than my opinion needs to be heard. Read it for yourself, but then, please, please, discuss it, too.

I am opening a thread for this in my forums for anyone wishing to discuss it. I know this is a highly charged issue, but most important. Please be respectful of others.

Written for young adults, but adults should definitely read it, too.

related-war, soldiers, draft, survival

When Marian Sang by Pam Muñoz Ryan. il Brian Selznick.
Scholastic Press: NY, 2002.

The use of sepia in the illustrations is beautifully rich and effective for a historical setting. Selznick has a glowing quality about his work that shows the feeling and spirit of the people he portrays. I think the brown illustrations also deemphasize (intentionally or not) the fact that the people are black-with the focus totally on them as people.

The text is very informative and gentle in its discussion of Marian Anderson's extraordinary life and ability. The tribulations of black people during the time are not glossed over. It is an extraordinarily powerful and beautiful book.

related-Marian Anderson, famous singers, concerts, Lincoln Memorial, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jim Crow laws, Black history, travel in Europe, performance arts, historical fiction

Witch-Hunt: Mysteries of the Salem Witch Trials by Marc Aronson.
Athenuem Books for Young Readers/Simon & Schuster: NY, 2003.

In the wake of terrorism fear, two historians have given a fresh recounting of the events of the Salem witch trials of 1692, Aronson and Mary Beth Norton. Norton has given different facts to consider. Aronson's book is mostly a compilation. There has also been new interest in the subject, since there was a 300 year anniversary not too long ago. Surprisingly, there have been new things to consider, though the history is mostly new to me. It isn't a topic discussed at much length normally.

My impression had been mostly of the unyielding Puritanical religion, no real history. I was exposed to Arthur Miller's The Crucible in high school, read it recently, and wanted to look at a historical context for comparison. When I saw Aronson's book at the library, I grabbed it, because I have liked other books by him.

Aronson has done some summarizing of past historians and discusses the play as well. The history is different from the play in details. What is the same is the control of the accusatory group in the events - the accusing of people on an opposite social side of events, group hysteria which the judges feared and couldn't really explain, the anger turned on people who protested the situation, and the fact that it took well respected citizens being hanged to stop the insanity. Aronson points out that this subject continues to be of interest for the same reason that Arthur Miller wrote his play. It is a warning regarding allowing a mob-like group to accuse citizens for prosecution, conviction and execution with little evidence; it is a warning against allowing faith, instead of reason, to determine guilt. In Arthur Miller's case, the warning was about McCarthyism. In our times, there are a number of prejudices being stirred up. And yes, so much fear to go with it.

The Tea Party group seems to be an almost all inclusive list of grievances looking for prosecution. Aronson's book predates the Tea Party people, so he does not say this. I think they are very much a mob that cannot rule through reason, so they are threatening everyone else instead, playing on common fears to gain political control. There was this element in the witch and communist trials, and I think it is not coincidence that the label of communism is being thrown around again.

To get back to the book, Aronson speaks of a particular family with supporters which made up most of the accusers. He also talks about the sheriff making arrests, who had three relatives on the panel of judges. He mentions some accused that were never arrested. He discusses political unrest of the times which may have influenced behavior of the citizens, ministers, and judges. He points out one particular woman whose calmness and logic impressed the judges and was instrumental in changing the prosecution of the cases, bringing them to a final swift conclusion. Aronson also references parts of The Crucible that are fiction, but points out the significance of the play other than that it is how the subject is usually introduced. While most people don't know about the real events, it is good to remember that this occurrence is a glaring example of why our laws include a separation of Church and State.

related-witchcraft trials, Salem, Massachusetts, 17th century history, United States colonial period, British colonies, rule by religious group

"The horror inspired by hanging witches helped to insure that Puritan laws, and ultimately the doctrines of any faith, would not set the rules by which all peoples in what was first British North America and later the United States would live...There was simply too much danger of using faith to destroy innocent people." from Witch-Hunt by Marc Aronson

With Needle and Thread by Raymond Bial.
Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, 1996.

"Certainly the number and variety of quilt patterns are remarkable, often breathtaking, but I wanted With Needle and Thread to be more about people and their connection to quilts. Feelings about quilts run deeply through quilters' lives, and it is this abiding love and respect for quilts and quiltmaking that I have sought to evoke in With Needle and Thread: A Book about Quilts."

Quilts are remarkable, and Raymond Bial has selected some great examples for illustration. I would have liked to have seen even more, because as a quilter I can't get enough. I hope that it is enough to convey to non-quiltmakers the awe that I feel regarding quilts.

Bial explains the history of quiltmaking. If it's not amazing enough that women used to make all of the blankets for their homes by hand, piecing them from old clothing and scraps when material wasn't available, consider how little time women had to do anything for themselves. Or that thinking beyond household work was discouraged. Sewing was one of the only arts that allowed women and girls freedom of expression. Even slaves were able to create art through quilting. It is incredibly uplifting to know that you can and have created such a work of art.

Traditions of quilting are described, including patterns, styles and quilting communities. Regions are also noted, as well as trends such as the pioneering migration and quilts in support of causes.

Quilting is still done in a traditional manner, but even more freedom is practiced. Quilting is also going in a new direction in that it is now viewed publicly as an art, pieces made to be hung on the wall and viewed rather than only to be used as household items.

It was great to see this conversation of an art that I absolutely love. The author has noted that he took extra care in choosing the pictures and text to make a "patchwork."

I was introduced to quilting by my sister Evelyn who has made many quilts for family members. I had no idea that it would become such a part of my own life when I tried my first. Now it is a heavenly thing to walk around a quilters' show. I've only been to our state show, but what a time I had viewing so many quilts at once.

related-quilting history, United States history, patchwork, arts and crafts
RL=4th and up

The World of King Arthur and His Court: People, Places, Legend, and Lore by Kevin Crossley-Holland. il by Peter Malone.
Dutton Children's Books/Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers: NY, 1998.
Originally published by Orion Children's Books: London, 1998.

Every aspect of King Arthur and his kingdom is described here: the knights and knighthood, the enchanters and enchantresses, the ladies of the court, manners and life in the Medieval world, the places associated with Arthur's life, writers and troubadours, popular stories, the differences between the romances and real Arthur, and fantastic beasts and magical happenings. The thorough discussion along with the attractive paintings are a delight for those wanting to know King Arthur's world.

related-Merlin, Uther, Excaliber, Lady of the Lake, sword in the stone, Knights of the Round Table, Avalon, Glastonbury, the Holy Grail

Yoga of the Heart: Ten Ethical Principles for Gaining Limitless Growth, Confidence, and Achievement by Alice Christensen.
Daybreak Books/Rodale Books: NY, 1998.

A month ago, I checked out 3 books about yoga. The first was an exercise manual, since I need some physical work. The second was on breathing, since I have some experience with the uplifting qualities of attention to breathe. Breathe has a healing aspect. The third, this one, I chose as a light philosophical read, for in the evening when I'm too tired for concentration. Instead, I found a book that does require focus, but taken slowly is easy enough and uplifting and possibly the one most likely to change my life.

The book discusses 10 ethical principles of yoga. It references a spiritual body, a deeper concept of the inner self. Your instincts and emotions are ways that this spiritual body try to get your physical body's attention. If you actively try to live by these principles, then you are connected to your spiritual body and in tune with the universe. The more aware you are of your spiritual inner self, the more you are uplifted by it, giving your daily self, the physical self, what you need to live in the world and deal with whatever experience.

Years ago, I stopped working on my spiritual life. I had decided religion was not for me. For a while, experiences in nature and choices I made gave me awesome uplifting, sustaining moments. However, I hit a brick wall with the Middle Eastern wars that our country started and perpetuated. From there, I feel that the mentality of our society has been mostly downhill, along with our economy. I have been struggling with depression due to our society and family issues for many years now. Finally, I decided that yoga might provide enough respite that I can get my life back on track. I was looking for just rest from the anxiety our society is causing. But I think the concepts in this book will provide a new direction as well and give me the hope I so desperately need. I have always tried to live by some of these principles anyway. Now, I may be able to find something that will support me as well. Something I've wanted for a long time, but was afraid to look for. I knew that it would mean looking closely at myself, and given the negative feelings and pain I have had, I resisted self-reflection.

So, I have chosen this book as a Book of the Month, hoping to reach others needing support. Maybe even some who don't know they are looking for it.

related-Hatha yoga, self-care, self-help, health, spiritual growth, confidence, achievement, ethical living
RL=YA-adult, adult book

Note: I think the book in the image link is the same. Though the secondary title is reworded, the author and picture are the same.

Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo by Zlata Filipovic.
translated by Christina Pribichevich-Zoric.
Viking/Penguin Group: NY, 1994.
Originally published as Le Journal de Zlata by Fixot et editions Robert Laffont: 1993. trans copyright 1994 Fixot et editions Robert Laffont.

Zlata Filipovic started writing her diary at the age of 10 a few months before war broke out in Sarajevo. She had no idea that war was imminent. In fact, even when she saw news footage of Dubrovnik, Croatia, she couldn't conceive of war coming to Sarajevo. She couldn't imagine that the surrounding area would be devastated by shelling and that she would be confined to one room in her family's apartment without the basic necessities of life.

Zlata wrote her diary as a 10-12 year old girl trapped by circumstances. The writing is mature for that age. Her diary has been compared to The Diary of Anne Frank. It doesn't have the same eloquence, but it does capture the hopelessness and desolation of a town with innocent bystanders caught in the viciousness that war is (all war, no matter the cause). It captures the emotions and thoughts of a girl cheated of her childhood and wondering when it will stop, if it will stop. During the invasion of her town, Zlata faced deprivations, devastation, and the death of those around her. Friends and family fled, while she and her family were stuck suffering through the chaos. She remains brave and hopeful through much of the book, but also heartbroken by the loss of her childhood.

Zlata's Diary was published before the end of the war (even before the end of the diary). The published version ends abruptly-without a resolution. The UN helped her family to move out of Sarajevo before the ceasefire, but that, too, is not in the diary.

I first heard of Zlata's Diary in The Freedom Writers Diary. The Freedom Writers (students) were inspired by Zlata's story even after having read The Diary of Anne Frank. So inspired that their teacher arranged for Zlata to travel from Europe to California to meet them. The students felt a strong connection to her, because they felt like they also were living in a war zone, in a ghetto area of Los Angeles.

related-Sarajevo 1991-1993, Croatia, Bosnian War, Bosnia-Herzegovina, life in a war zone
RL=7th & up, as young as 5th depending on circumstances

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